Thursday, August 27, 2020
Yunnans Lucky Airs Balanced Scorecard Case Study
Yunnans Lucky Airs Balanced Scorecard - Case Study Example Moreover innovation is additionally changing the way in which organizations work. For instance, innovative advancements have prompted the improvement of web based business which empowers organizations to sell items through online channels utilizing web correspondence. Associations should likewise react to the necessities of various partners, for example, natural insurance organizations that expect organizations to decrease the measure of CO2 discharges. While investor esteem expansion remains the principle goal of each organization, organizations should initially fulfill the requirements of different partners to have the option to appropriately augment investor value.To decide if it is performing admirably, that is addressing the necessities of its various partners, an organization must utilize a lot of execution measures to check its presentation against pre-decided targets and against the exhibition of its competitors.Until as of late, the primary focal point of numerous organizati ons had been on the utilization of monetary execution measures. These measures concentrated distinctly on the budgetary exhibition of the organization. While budgetary execution measures stay an essential piece of execution estimation, they are by all account not the only proportions of authoritative achievement. Late improvements recommend that non-budgetary execution quantifies likewise have a significant task to carry out in deciding authoritative achievement or disappointment. One of the most regularly utilized presentation estimation apparatuses that fuse both money related and non-budgetary execution measures is the decent scorecard. There are various reasons why an association ought to embrace a fair scorecard. These are nitty gritty in the letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Lucky Air Below. From: The Chief Financial Offer To: The Chief Executive Officer of Lucky Air Re: Adoption of the Balanced Scorecard by Yunnan Lucky Air Dear Sir, I am writing to communicate worries to the current execution estimates utilized by Lucky Air. I accept that these measures are not in accordance with the present globalized, innovatively determined, and client centered business condition. Fortunate Air keeps on estimating execution from the investor execution though there a will be a large group of intrigued gatherings of partners that require data on how their needs are being met by Lucky Air. Given these issues, I will like Lucky Air to execute the fair scorecard. The fair scorecard is an exhibition report that depends on a wide arrangement of money related and non-monetary execution measures. The fair scorecard is comprised of four principle points of view (Kaplan and Northon, 1996, 2000; Malina and Selto, 2001; Blocher et al., 2005). These incorporate Financial, Customer, interior business forms, and the learning and development points of view (Malina and Selto, 2001). I accept that receiving the reasonable scorecard will empower Lucky Air to improve the way in which it plays out its administrations to various partners as this will empower Lucky Air to set feasible targets and work towards accomplishing those objectives. For instance, the interior business points of view will empower Lucky Air to enhance nature of administration, profitability and wellbeing (Libby et al., 2002). From the prior, I accept that receiving the Balanced scorecard will enormously improve the manner in which Lucky Air is estimating execution and accordingly decide how Lucky Air is performing contrasted with the business all in all. Best Regards, CFO. 2. Hole Analysis of Lucky Air Inside four years of its consolidation, Yunnan Lucky Air's incomes had developed to a US$104.3 million which supports that it has
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ecosystem Biomimetic Architectural †Free Samples to Students
Question: Examine about the Ecosystem Biomimetic Architectural. Answer: Presentation Structures blur and lose their structure with age. This may make them grow out of in unique structure and usefulness. Versatile reuse of contemporary way of life, urban developments, and the requirement for consistent update are a portion of the interest factors influencing the first arrangement for structures. Area additionally matters since it characterizes the scene. The geological components, for example, waterways and parks decide the structure received by the engineering. Every one of these progressions must be inside the accessible assets subsequently the cost viability of an arrangement checks the board. Poor workmanship needs improved basic instruments. This article highlights engineering plans by Singapore based Chan Soo Chan and Jean Francois Milou. Both Chan and Jean have the skill to address mistakes on old structure through creative plans. Their utilization of normalized changes on the structure requires limited changes that don't discourage the social properties. Despi te the fact that these have similitudes, there are contrasts in their methodology. The article sees what is normal and what contrasts between the two models. Jean Francois Milou is French brought into the world yet has had extensive commitment in Singapores versatile reuse compositional designs[1]. He can revamp old structures planned by various originators. His change of the noteworthy structures shows a one of a kind mix of the old and new with a rich touch. His work on legacy building brings a worldwide encounter. His plan of the Singapore National Gallery considers his cutting edge and expert style. He utilizes the rooftop as a focal point for interfacing the old and the new to change a 100-year-old town hall into an exhibition hall. Despite the fact that he is 63, he utilizes youthful skilled fashioners from the neighborhood district to think of an imaginative methodology that utilizes materials, for example, gold, copper and other metallic components for its styles[2]. Chan Soo Chan is an honor winning planner who additionally has an involvement in national structures. Move on from Yale University, he shows development in contemporary engineering for neighborhood and urban, private and business structures. Like Jean Milou, he likewise has a firm (SCDA Architects) of originators worked in new redesigns. His structure of the National Design Center shows a mix of numerous plans on a multipurpose focus with characteristics for an open presentation place, auditoriums, and public venue for diversion and learning. Soo Chan can take a shot at reclamations through an imaginative change of reuse in urban entertainments the executives. Like Jean, Chan makes changes on interconnected structures. This plan strategy of chipping away at complex presentation uncovers Chans capacity to include esteem structures through renovation of the places for open and private use. His style of substitution and fix includes the evacuation of weather beaten surfaces without obst ruction with the archeological reason for the development. The two fashioners make useful adjustments on the structures viably. Upgrading for reuse or maintainability for land preservation, diminished urban clog. This calls for details in size and ideas. Jean fuses glass for stylish purposes giving the national subjects a contemporary touch. He chips away at government structures holding their official use yet contrasts in work. That is, He changes a court incorporating with a Museum. Other current components utilized by the two planners are in the shading, dark stonework, tiled floors and colonnade moldings. Jean holds the first timber material for a social favorable position. Verifiable factors, for example, social capacity of the structure decide the progressions made in view of social significance. The way toward reshaping such structures additionally needs to concentrate on the style. These engineers think about advancement without invalidating the estimation of culture in building plans. Auxiliary adjustments in the two fashioners is apparent as they reestablish ignored old structures to give them another financial sense. The money saving advantage examination gauges the expenses and market properties for reuse. The first structures frequently have a noteworthy structure plan that holds its unique properties[3]. Jean Milou works in the upgrade of a pioneer incorporating with a gem conjoining two authentic structures. His strategy fuses present day structures of nearby structures and daylighting highlights, which are basic in European architecture[4]. The two planners comprehend the benefit of putting resources into lighting, designing and conservation components. For indoor and outside properties. Like Milou Chan has a wide involvement with business building structures including business and institutional extravagance buildings[5]. Contrasts in thought Chan Soo Khan is enthused about the profound quintessence of versatile compositional plans. Spoken to in his adherence the neighborhood culture, he brings out Buddhist components in his engineering structures. He alludes to this as the otherworldly substance found in a place[6]. As he would see it, this characteristic is moderate and saves money on assets since it doesn't require pointless apparatuses. This gives him an edge in the Asia Pacific locale where otherworldliness is significant. He fuses the amazing out of understanding. Despite what might be expected, Milou discovers motivation from his calling, structures and he advocates for less intercession on infrastructural structures[7]. He trusts in effortlessness and tact while changing basic and practical components. He acknowledges specialized reality as a test, which he applies in the constructions, metal confining and storm cellars. He utilizes exquisite metals to separate complexities and characterize the perfect plan [8] Khan utilizes passionate engineering plans to supplement his plans Adaptive plan in Chan Soo Chan takes a structure and conduct attribute that is in accordance with the interest in Singapore. Compositional contrasts in Jean Milous plans speaks to extravagance and solace. He carries out individual engineering with tropical, Malaysian and Singaporean plans. Patriotism and regionalism include in his faade engineering, which mixes convention and history, likewise includes in his structures to bring out thoughts of oriental[9]. This gives his style a neighborhood however modern personality. Then again, Milou stands apart for fastidious structures, which exploit the innovation innovation.[10] Although Milou has practical experience in social and exceptional change, he doesn't customize his procedures. His plan of the National Gallery in Singapore shows a mix of stupendous strategies and layered structures for reuse[11]. Jean Milous inspiration in Singaporean and urban arranging configurati on is clear. He shows affectability towards the noteworthy administration. This is obvious in his plan of exhibition halls in the region[12]. Complete updating ventures by Chan Soo Chans demonstrating speak to normal components. Chan Soo Chan is an expert architect with a foundation in arranging and inside structure. His work changes from lodgings, business, institutional, and private structures. He brings this out in finishing plans of green housetops. Coordinating nature and compositional structures. The blend of supportability investigates the Singaporean condition for an edge in structures. Milou utilizes varieties in his spatial structures to feature urban plan properties[13]. He doesn't have a particular concentration yet he grasps the engineering requests in the area. He additionally obtains from great structures as appeared in his momentous flights of stairs, concourse storm cellars, curtains and rooftop sparkles just as the longitudinal plan of the display. His staggering innovativeness and craftsmanship establishments speaks to a mix of South East Asia and advancement. He draws out the legacy and intercessions fr om the network. Prior to planning the display, he completes inquire about on the region[14]. Basically, his structures show disclosure for the uprightness of the area from the visual craftsmanship, seascape, the individuals and biological system. He focuses to the significance of Singapores history. This is additionally clear in his social undertakings in Europe and India. Chans plans have a natural core interest. He puts resources into maintainable practices, for example, the utilization of reused materials as a way of thinking. His strategy is a bit of leeway in the worldwide market. He draws out the worldwide worries of vitality proficiency through the auxiliary changes that he makes. This is show in inside structures of lighting and fixtures[15]. Choo utilizes components, for example, lighting for inside spatial plans from the tropical atmospheres characteristic lighting[16]. His concept of supportability is to protect life. He draws out different ideas of the earth and he investigates this in inside and outside plans. At the core of Choos structures is Spatial and lighting properties suggestive of his regular habitat. In spite of the fact that he knows quite a bit about westernized compositional strategies, for example, de-constructivism, his way to deal with social remodels grasps constructivist engineering. He exhibits this in the conceptualizat ion of request, unique, arrangement and balance. This gives him a multidisciplinary way to deal with engineering like the mix of science, condition and architecture[17]. Versatile reuse in structural plans speaks to normalized components. Contemporary engineering originators have qualities that characterize their uniqueness in different tasks. Clear in their spatial control of their tasks, Chan Soo Khan and Francois Milou uncover the significance of respectability history in engineering structures. Utilizing worldwide norms, the two concoct particular structures of utilizing style and mechanical developments to revamp developments. They bring out basic adjustment and usefulness as critical components of versatile reuse in structural plans. The two benefit from proficient ways to deal with make artful culmination plans. Be that as it may, their d
Friday, August 21, 2020
The UN Studies Program Working and Networking with the United Nations Panel on April 6 in Room 1501 from 600 to 800 PM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
The UN Studies Program Working and Networking with the United Nations Panel on April 6 in Room 1501 from 600 to 800 PM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One unique asset available to SIPA students is our UN Studies Program. SIPA students have incredible opportunities to learn directly from those with UN experience and participate in unique programming and here is a great example. _________________________ Ever wonder what it feels like to work for the United Nations? Whether it is fulfilling or frustrating? Whether it matches the highest ideals of public service? Or whether it is just another bureaucratic institution? Well, thanks to the DAY @ the UN initiative launched this semester by the UN Studies Program, 42 lucky students were given the opportunity to gain more insight on what it means to work for the United Nations. Elizabeth Lindenmayer, former Assistant Secretary-General and director of SIPAs UN Studies program organized this day. From the office of the Secretary General to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, from UNDP and UNICEF to DPA and UNWOMEN, from UNFPA to the Security Council, from UNCDF to the PBC, each student was given the opportunity to shadow one senior UN official for an entire day, attending meetings and negotiations, participating to teleconferences with the field or weighing in on policy planning among many others. On April 6, 2011, students will share their experience during a Panel organized by the UN Studies Program in the presence of their hosts and other SIPA students. The Panel will take place on 420 W 118th street room 1501 from 6 to 8pm and will be followed by a reception creating yet another opportunity for students to thank their hosts, and of course, to network with the UN Community. Those living in the NYC area are welcome to join. In addition, on April 6 a group from the UN Studies Program will visit the United Nations Security Council to observe a debate on Haiti. Former President Bill Clinton, the UNs Special Envoy for Haiti, will deliver a report, along with Haitian President Rene Preval.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Unit 1 Dbq Essay - 761 Words
AP U.S. History Unit I DBQ Essay They sailed over from England, all seeking glorified opportunities. These English colonists sought out an opportunity when boarding ships and leaving the Old World to travel to the exciting unknown; but each person had their own unique desire. These unique desires led to the many diverse societies that spread all throughout the eastern sea board of the New World by the 1700’s. Religious tolerance, organization in government, and economic stability were all contributing factors to the differences New England and Chesapeake Bay regions had. In Documents B and C, there are two lists of emigrants. Document B’s list is of emigrants traveling to New England and Document C’s list is of emigrants traveling†¦show more content†¦In conclusion, New England and Chesapeake Bay were both settled by a large population of English colonists. However, they differed from each other in many different ways. New England was more lenient about religion, wanted equality, and seemed to have a plan to begin governmental organization right from the get go. On the other hand the Chesapeake was a more fundamental Christianity, had an unstable political plan and had various issues in settling the territory. They both were unique and heterogeneous when it came to the running of society and how people functioned but that’s why so many English settlers came to the New World; to found their beliefs in a place where they would be accepted andShow MoreRelatedJohn D. Rockefeller Monster Monopolist or Marketplace Hero5797 Words  | 24 PagesAmerica (310) 839-2436 (800) 421-4246 Fax: (800) 944-5432 Fax: (310) 839-2249 Permission is granted to reproduce individual worksheets for classroom use only. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 978-1-57596-225-2 Product Code: HS623 InTRoducTIon Teacher Teacher Introduction Using Primary Sources Primary sources are called â€Å"primary†because they are firsthand records of a past era or historical event. They are the raw materials, or the evidenceRead MoreBoyer Dbq Teacher Guide10764 Words  | 44 PagesUsing the DBQ Practice Questions from The Enduring Vision, Sixth Edition A Teachers’ Guide Ray Soderholm Minnetonka High School Minnetonka, Minnesota Using the DBQ Practice Questions from The Enduring Vision, 6th Edition A Teachers’ Guide This guide is intended to suggest some possible ways that students may organize essays related to the document-based questions in the Advanced Placement version of The Enduring Vision, 6th Edition, and to provide teachers with some information on each includedRead MoreDbq Essay Impacts Of New Imperialism3241 Words  | 13 PagesAP World History DBQ Essay Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying Documents 1-8. (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise.) Write your answer on the lined pages provided. This question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical documents. Write an essay that: Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents. Uses all of the documents. Analyzes the documents by grouping them in as many appropriate
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about Australian Tariffs - 661 Words
Should Australia reintroduce tariffs for the car industry? Australia’s automotive industry is a significant contributor and major employer to the national economy. But the economy is in crisis. The greatest problem for the automotive industry is the mindset of the cabinets. Cabinets became downright apoplectic and argue that tax payers should not support a failing industry, and they vehemently combat the automotive industry policy as a matter of principle. The truth is, Australia cannot afford losing its car industry. Several academic investigations have been conducted about how this industry contributes to national economy, and the answer couldn’t be clearer: it would cost Australia more losing its automotive industry rather than†¦show more content†¦Regarding subsidies, the Australian government applies rates on several ambits, like home care, oxygen and enteral feeding or residential respite – and this is only about healthcare. To be honest, Australia has a balanced taxing system, with rates that are internationally lower than other countries’ rates; besides, there exists a real need for a tax system for the government to have enough resources to ensure a decent lifestyle for its citizens and to provide them with the basic human needs. Leaving aside rates like those meant to regulate industries like the automotive one, it seems that Australia has a fair economic system, not meant for crippling the citiz en’s economy, but rather to ensure that all the people’s resources paid in the form in taxes contribute to the general wellbeing. Who do you think are the winners / losers from such protectionist measures? Ultimately, the citizens are the most benefited or prejudiced by these taxes and subsidies. As it has been said before, Australia’s rates and tariffs are significantly lower when compared to those that other countries apply; and the income that results from these said payments should be applied on new infrastructure, on attending the people’s needs, and on ensuring that unforeseen disasters will be properly faced and answered. This is the ideal system of taxing and applying tariffs: for the country’s money to serve the country’s needs. Still, applying additional taxes to industries orShow MoreRelatedProtections Against Dumping Products676 Words  | 3 Pagesimporting and exporting which would help advance economic growth and development. However, in spite of these gains, every country tries to protect certain industries from entering into their markets through the placement of legal restrictions like tariffs/quotas so as to reduce the threat of external competition and protect domestic employment. This is known as protectionism. 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Tariffs, subsidies and local content requirements have been introduced to increase government revenue, encourage the production of goods and services, raise the prices of imported goods and to benefit local producers. Rovegno (2013) argues that governments have turned to these alternative means of regulating trade as regulatory bodies such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has restrained the ‘traditional forms of import protection’. Tariffs are considered to be theRead MoreImplementing International Business Effectiveness : A Free Trade Movement Essay1855 Words  | 8 Pagesgovernments have implemented policies that increase the cost and risks of doing international business. This was, at the time, considered sound economic logic, that is, to protect a country’s own industry from international competition. Mainly via imposing tariffs on imported goods, governments would signal their intent to protect the local economy. As economic literature has continually developed over time, the creation of a more open international business market has become relevant for all governments across
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Worst Loneliness Is Not Be Comfortable With Yourself,...
Essay #2: Controversy Analysis â€Å"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself,†Mark Twain claims in Huckleberry Finn. Sometimes low self-esteem leads to bigger problems with your surroundings. Unhealthy relationships with your partner, as in case of â€Å"Fear Itself†are common. This type of relationship often leads to domestic violence, substance abuse, depression, anxiety and even suicide. Coyle’s short story â€Å"Fear itself†shows the relationship between a girl called Kara and a wax figure of a president. Kara’s relationship throughout the story all fail to make the girl really happy, and despite this fact, she doesn’t try to change it. Kara believes her unhappiness is nothing less than what she deserves. Kara is surrounded by people she doesn’t like and becomes involved in a relationship with an older man. This older man doesn’t respect her and doesn’t care about her. Even though people know th at unhealthy relationships destroy them, and might think that it’s easy to stop, in fact it’s opposite and they keep drowning in their â€Å"blind love†towards their offender, thinking is the only person who will ever be with them. ADD A POINT AND A QUOTE In the short story â€Å"Fear Itself†, readers can see the girl Kara, who’s playing the game Categories with her friends Ruthie and Olive in a museum. Even if the girls are tired of this game and don’t like really each other, they still keep doing it, in order not to stay alone. After some time, all of them have to separate inShow MoreRelatedSelf Respect Essay807 Words  | 4 PagesSELF RESPECT â€Å"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.†– Mark Twain Self-respect is fundamental for a great life. If self-respect is lacking this may cause insecurity and the strive to be someone we are not. To develop self-respect means to cultivate the self-confidence to deal with whatever life throws at us. Self-respect comes from an inner belief and not an egoistic feeling of superiority. The following are some ways to improve self-respect:- †¢ Learn to HandleRead MoreEssay on The Moral Value of the Movie Take the Lead921 Words  | 4 Pageslive their life they always wished to live. They fail to realise their ambitions and give up on their dreams as soon as they encounter their first obstacle. One of the strongest cause of it is because they fail to believe themselves. Believing in yourself is all about being sure that you are going to do whatever you want, even the others are against you. Usually , when you decide to take big challenge or to do something that people failed to do, you will find that everyone is putting you down underRead MoreWhy Building Self Confidence Is Vital1298 Words  | 6 Pagesself-confidence with each new achievement. Self-confident individuals perceive themselves as able to achieve those things they set out to do and this perception creates reality in their lives. I learned that in order to develop this sense of belief in yourself, you need to be optimistic and positive. Besides th is, environment that you reside in and the people you interact with the most must also be positive. If you are surrounded by pessimistic people, you will constantly be surrounded by negative thoughtsRead MoreSelf Esteem Final Paper3274 Words  | 13 Pagesthan others, but they have the wrong perception. Confidence is believing in yourself and your actions. When one has confidence it shines through their actions and this is what will lead them to success. It is knowing that you can achieve the goals you set out for yourself to your full potential. Confident people are able to attract others towards them with their positive attitude and personality. When you believe in yourself and overcome hurdles that life throws at you this attracts others and makesRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesProduction Editor. Others deserving special mention for their contributions are Brenda Moorehead and RaeAnn Guns. Last, we want to acknowledge a few people individually. From Dave: To my wife, Terri, for all her support and love. And to my children Mark, Meredith, Gabriella, and Natalieâ€â€thank you for all you do. You continue to be the â€Å"light of my life.†From Steve: To Laura for all that she brings to my life. From Susan: To my husband John, my daughter Katie, and my Mom. Thanks for your love and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Buddha in the attic free essay sample
As the roles of women continue to evolve every century, their general purpose pretty much stays the same. In Buddha in the attic which takes place in China in the 1900’s women were desired as pretty much servants and child bearers. The story in Buddha in the attic it gives a breathless account of the womens hopes and fears and the hard-working lives for which they settled. Each book explains the lives of hard working women with different challenges, heartaches but living in different parts of the centuries. The similarity between the two stories shows both groups of women going through different challenges but both traveling uncharted waters. In Buddha in the attic the Japanese did not know what they were getting into when they were traveling to America. Little did they know they were going to have to work very hard every day to get what they wanted out of America. We will write a custom essay sample on Buddha in the attic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We forgot about Buddha. We forgot about God†¦We developed a coldness inside of us that still has not thawed. We stopped writing to our mothers. We lost weight and grew thin. We stopped bleeding. We stopped dreaming. We stopped wanting. We simply worked. That was all. †However in You know when the men are gone they knew what military life was like but they didn’t know of the new challenges they would face in a different state. In both of the novels they tell stories of women’s lives and how they survive. But they describes them differently. In The Buddha in the Attic, Otsuka uses a very different style. She tells the story in a â€Å"we†plural narrative. She never focuses on a single woman. She doesnt give them names. They are like many of us see theman immigrant group, different from one another. Yet, at the same time, she tells their individual stories in America and then their common fate as the country rounds them up and sends them to internment camps during the war. However in the novel you know when the men are gone Fallon tells individuals stories of soldiers returning to civilian life on the part of both the soldier coming home and the family left behind. Some characters are overcome by loneliness and turn to a civilian who wont leave them for a year-long tour. Some characters come home expecting to be welcomed by a loved one, only to find their wives and husbands significantly changed.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Roman Law Essays (736 words) - Roman Law, Roman Republic
Roman Law Roman Law Romans did not have very complicated laws but when they were broken there was very heavy punishment. Roman laws influenced most of the laws we have now and most of the laws of other countries. America's court system was modeled around the Roman court system. They had upper courts and lower courts and that was what built our strong court system now. One thing that we did not take from the Romans is the right to be a Citizen. In Rome there were very strict class systems and they were classified greatly by clothes, shelter, and seating at the games. The word citizen for them meant that you had to be free and lived in Rome. The class system was always followed no matter what. You could move up from your rank in society but then you would have to work really hard and it was not easy because people would still look at you as a low class. The class systems from highest to lowest were the senators, councilmen and their families. Then came the regular middle class citizens, next were the Plebeians who were very poor but not slaves and last was the slaves who owned nothing at all not even the clothes on their back because it all belonged to their master. Therefore, if slaves were caught running away they were brought upon charges of theft for stealing themselves and their masters clothing. Stealing held a very heavy punishment and that punishment was always upheld. The punishment was capital punishment and all of this was done to teach them a lesson. Some say the Romans had a very strange way of doing things but, the way their country was setup most of their laws were necessary for them. All of this got started with the Twelve Tables of Rome. Which were much like the Ten Commandments except man made them up. They were engraved into Bronze tablets and made up by ten Roman Magistrates around early 450 BC. The laws were really made to please the Plebeians because they complained that they didn't get any rights because the laws were never written down and were often changed. After this the Plebeians could no longer be fooled because the Twelve Tables covered all aspects of the law briefly stating the crime and then the punishment. This was where the court system came in because the courts were the ones that had to follow by the Twelve Tables and there was no way to cheat the Plebeians because the laws were in the main Forum hanging up for those purposes. Since our court system was modeled around theirs then it was basically like it is now. They had upper courts and lower courts and the right to an appeal was very well granted but only with good reasoning. The only thing about their court system that we did not take on in a big way is capital punishment. I say this because the Romans loved to kill any one who broke any of their laws but we do not kill unless you have killed first. Another aspect of Roman law is crucifixion, which was what was done to Jesus Christ. The Romans show very little mercy on anyone who comes across them. They show even less mercy to strangers that try to change them because nobody likes change but the Roman officials despised it because it would no longer make them rich and powerful to the people. Family laws were less harsh than state laws. Family law was much different especially for higher classed people. The children of that time were beat on occasion when they did something wrong but it was never on a regular basis. They had hearts when it came to family. The girls still had very little freedom to choose husbands and to plan their own life and they were married off very early. To parents it was a relief to finally marry off their girl child but to marry of a boy child meant more wealth to their family. In Conclusion the Romans had a very uncomplicated legal system and since everything was so easy to comprehend if you broke one of their laws sixty percent of the time you were sentenced to death with out thinking but other times you were just banished. Our laws came straight from out of Rome because the law system worked very well for them. Only certain aspects of their laws were not adopted by us because they were thought to be too cruel. But, what could you say except for
Monday, March 9, 2020
An Intro to Teen Pregnancy in essays
An Intro to Teen Pregnancy in essays In my introduction I am going to answer the following questions: Is teenage pregnancy a problem If so, how big is the problem and how have other countries and communities tried to reduce it How does the national situation in Britain compare to that of other countries How has teenage pregnancy affected the community of Lewisham In this section I plan to take a detailed view of my community by using the statistics that have been given to me. Firstly, I am going to re-compile the statistics so that they are more readable and make for easier comparison. I plan to compare and contrast the data of different areas within my borough to identify trends and possible causes. I am also going to look at how the level of teenage pregnancy has changed over the last decade. From this data, I plan to make comparisons of different boroughs and then draw conclusions about the possible causes of teenage pregnancy in my borough. Factors That Influence the Rate of Teenage Pregnancy Economic - For this issue, I would like to focus on family income and the provision of sex education in schools. Moral and Social - I would like to discuss the change in our societys view on teenage pregnancy and single parents. I would also like to discuss the effect that peer pressure has on young people and to what extent it causes teenage pregnancy. Another important aspect in this area that I am going to discuss is the role that the media plays in changing social attitudes to various ways of living. Political - For this part, I am going to talk about the effectiveness that the governments policy has on reducing teenage pregnancy and also what other policies are being used throughout the world and what effect they have. I am also going to consider what the possible effects of introducing such policies will have on Lewisham and how they might work. I will be dealing with these sections separately, howe ...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 59
Art - Essay Example Music may communicate either good or bad information that can influence the behavior of people. People act differently depending on the music that they take pleasure; People tend to love the individuals who have the same taste of music they love. Such individuals tend to be friends with one another. On other hands, people with different taste of music may tend to hate one another. For instantly, people with the same taste of music tend to hang out together, while ignoring others, this due to their different opinions. Music plays very vital part in the society; it can be used for various purpose, from general to specific purposes. The use of music may depend on the occasion in the environment. Rock and rap music play very significant role in the world today; they may both send messages with the positive impacts on the kids. They convey messages of real personal life experiences; therefore, kids undergoing the same personal life experience tend to listen to such music. Through listening to such music, they gain hope since they are not the only ones undergoing such problems. Such challenge includes sex, and drug addictions. Music generally may also enhance the acquisitions of new ideas, as the messages expressed in the music may express new information’s from different parts of the world. This enhances the kids’ awareness, and makes them be open-minded people with vast information from various part of the world. They also get exposed to different from different part of the world like the celebrated artists. Among other types of music, majority of people from various part of the world tend to agree that Rap music plays very significant in the world. The information conveyed in most of the rap music’s revolves around drugs and sex. They are the critical topics which many parents do not love their kids to get associated with. Most videos of rap music entail information concerning issue of sex and drug. The research has
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Why did Isaac Newton say he was able “to stand on the shoulders Essay
Why did Isaac Newton say he was able â€Å"to stand on the shoulders of giants†to construct his view of the universe - Essay Example d at Trinity College Cambridge where Aristotelian philosophy was the preferred mode of instruction, but Newton was more interested in the pioneering ideas of philosophers lying like Descartes, and the astronomers Galileo, Kepler and Copernicus. His landmark work ‘Principia†is a compendium on physics and contains the laws of motion that were to revolutionize physical theories. In this pursuit of mechanics, i.e. gravity and its effect on the orbits of planets, he was guided by the work of Kepler’s third law, and his law of attraction was an elaboration of Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens theory of centripetal acceleration of a body moving in a circle. He even consulted with his contemporaries like Edmund Halley on the problem of orbits suggesting an ellipse shape about which he wrote to the astronomer in â€Å"a curious treatise de motu.†(Westfall, Richard) Newton put the seal of justification on his concept of attraction, by acknowledging that the ancients had already known of the law of gravitation and for him, â€Å"they represented a deeper penetration into the prisca sapientia, possible only when the preliminary work has been accomplished through experience.†(J. E. McGuire and P. M. Rattansi, Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan’, pp. 137) Newton also gave an analytical account of the speed of sound in air which was based on Boyle’s law. Newtons three laws of motion represents a conscious diversion from Aristotles physics, and is more universal in nature, capable of being applied to the motion of a planet as to the fall of a stone. His theory of vortices moved away from that of Descartes’. (Ball 1908, p. 337) The reflecting telescope built by Newton was a further exposition of the ideas of Scottish mathematician James Gregory, who in 1663 had proposed the design. Before this Hans Lippershey, a German lens - maker who lived in the early 17th century had already applied for a patent for an optical retracting telescope, while Galileo was looking at the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Importance of Feasibility Study System Analysis and Design
Importance of Feasibility Study System Analysis and Design This report analyses the importance of Feasibility Analysis to businesses when they are deciding on the viability of a proposed business venture involving the implementation or improvement of an information system. This report is split into three parts the initial part defines a feasibility analysis, the second part explains how an IT feasibility analysis should be conducted using the template of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and the last section in this report examines a completed feasibility study by Powerco, a utilities distribution Company in New Zealand. What is a feasibility analysis? As the words feasibility analysis suggests a feasibility analysis is carried out to decide on the viability of a proposed venture; basically it answers the essential question of is it a viable option and should the project be implemented. All stages of the analysis are carried out in order to answer this question. When researching it is clear that the majority of all large successful businesses conduct a feasibility study to ensure they embark on a viable project, for example Microsoft have a large research department situated in many different cities throughout the globe, this department collaborates with many institutions producing many feasibility analyses a year. When examining successful businesses such as Microsoft, I discovered they will not commit to a new project without first thoroughly assessing all of the variables and reviewing the probability of success through a feasibility study. The feasibility analysis process As a feasibility analysis is often time consuming and expensive (many companies pay consultants to perform the analysis), a preliminary study is undertaken to determine if it would be worthwhile to proceed to the feasibility analysis, within this preliminary study the evaluation of alternatives is made along with brief cost and benefit analysis. A feasibility study is usually conducted after the project managers have discussed all project ideas and every possible scenario, only if the results are positive the feasibility study begins. The content of feasibility Analysis Within a feasibility study it is necessary to discuss a number of areas including; details of the present system; what are the functions and objectives, who are the Stakeholders and the reasons to improve or replace the current system for example inconsistencies / inadequacies in functionality or performance, is there any possible solution alternatives and the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives. Feasibility analysis can be split into four types; Operational factors; Operational feasibility is used to assess how well the information systems will work if implemented in the given environment. Define the urgency of the project If the project is implemented, will it be a success? Does management support the project? How do end users feel about the new system? People tend to resist change can this problem be overcome? Can management and end users adapt to the change? Has the proposed venture conflicted with organisational or government regulations? Schedule factors; It often takes time to build and implement an information system solution; will the project still be necessary on completion? The technology may exist, but are there the skills available to not only complete the project but complete it on schedule? Is the project deadline reasonable? Is the deadline desirable or mandatory? What are the results of failing to meet the project deadline? Technical; Technical feasibility is the measure of the practicality of specific technical information system solutions and the availability of technical resources. Often new technologies are solutions looking for a problem to solve: Is the technology for the information system solution practical? Does the necessary technology exist? Is the technology proven? Is the technology practical and reliable? Are the necessary skills available to design and implement the system? Is there the infrastructure to cope with ongoing maintenance (problems, upgrades) Economic; This is regularly the most important analysis made, it asks important questions; Is the project justified (i.e. will benefits outweigh costs)? Can the project be done, within given cost constraints? What is the minimal cost to attain a certain system? Which alternative offers the best return on investment? How much will it cost to maintain? The 12 Stages of an ITIL Feasibility Analysis ITIL is a global guidance document that provides worlds best practices for IT service management companies. ITIL guidelines are often used in feasibility studies and are broken down into twelve stages. These twelve stages are described in this next section and if necessary a brief example has been given; Introduction It is important that an introduction to the feasibility analysis is made; this introduction includes the content, the intent, the intended audience, the purpose, and organizational details of the feasibility analysis. Management Summary This stage summarises, what the other stages within the template will explain in more detail; this section provides a quick overview of the feasibility analysis and would include the following, an Introduction, Management Summary, Background of the Project, Objectives, Situation, Benefits, Problems and Risks, Technical Requirements, Options, Cost/Benefit Analysis, Financial/Budget Implications and Recommendations Background to the Project A project is proposed for a specific scenario and this step describes the reason the proposal exists. For example; current sales are at a low due to increased competition, the proposal is for a new company website, where customers are able to buy directly. Objectives The high level business purposes of the proposal, including the long-range management goals. For example, the proposed project is to increase sales by an estimated 15% per annum over the next ten years. Situation This step describes the present condition, without the service in place, including market conditions, it is necessary to highlight the need for the proposed system, and the consequences of the proposal not being authorized. Benefits In the benefits section, it is necessary to focus on the short term benefits of the proposal; this is different to the objective stage which focuses on the long term gains and the cost-benefit step which focuses primarily on the financial benefits. An example of this could be the increased customer satisfaction of the proposed website. Problems and Risks It is important to identify and assess possible problems and risks of the proposed project associated with it within the development, design, and deployment stages. This is done by doing a risk assessment on the proposed system; this will be used to identify problems in many different areas, including technologies, lack of user support, or resources. Technical Requirements Has the business the technological infrastructure for the proposed system? These requirements include knowledge of the hardware and software required, for example, does the business possess the database architecture, network structures, and hardware to sustain the website, will it be necessary to outsource? Options It is recommended in the ITIL framework that a feasibility analysis includes any alternatives to the proposal, including advantages and disadvantages and costs. An example of this could be advertising to increase sales and would show the estimated cost of this. Cost/Benefit In this step, the total cost of the project is calculated; this includes development, design, deployment, and maintenance of the new service. Costs include facilities, hardware, labor, and software. The project cost is compared to the financial benefits provided by the proposed system. What are benefits? These are examples of benefits, more accurate / timely information. Improved operation, increased flexibility of operation, increased output, error reductions, cost reductions; benefits can be placed into three different categories; Monetary; when money values can be calculated, Tangible; when benefits can be quantified, but monetary values cannot be calculated. Intangible; when neither of the others apply, this applies there is a benefit, but it cannot be quantified. There are different types of costs; Project related; development, purchasing, Installation, training costs, Operational costs; these costs are often ongoing costs and include; Maintenance on the hardware; maintenance, lease, materials Software; maintenance fees and contracts Personnel; operation, maintenance There are a number of tools used, which helps in the economic section of the feasibility analysis these are; Cost-benefit analysis (CBA); which estimates and totals up the equivalent money value of the benefits and costs of proposed projects to establish whether they are worthwhile. Payback Analysis; which is used to calculate how long it will take to pay the costs of the project Return on Investment Analysis; which compares the lifetime profitability of alternative solutions, Net Present Value Analysis: using current monetary values, profitability is determined of the proposed project, Return On Investment (ROI) compares the lifetime profitability of alternative solutions, (Lifetime benefits Lifetime costs) Lifetime costs and finally you can compare alternatives with the feasibility analysis matrix. Financial/Budget Implications Once the overall costs have been established, it is necessary to verify if the necessary funds are available, if so how? This may result in changes to the budget or priorities and reducing expenditure to accommodate the costs. Recommendations In this final step recommendations regarding the proposal are made including scheduling and budgeting Summary In summary these twelve steps that make up the ITIL is among the first activities a manager will undertake in preparation for a proposal for a new IT service, though it is important to remember these steps make a general guide and different information systems may require amendments. Examples of feasibility analysis Though the majority of businesses keep their own feasibility analysis private, research identified an interesting feasibility analysis conducted by Powerco. In this section I will briefly review this feasibility analysis in a case study due to the word restrictions on this essay and the extensiveness of the ITIL framework. Powerco has an estimated 410,000 consumers which makes it one of New Zealands largest utilities Companies. These customers expect a reliable service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Powerco applications are split between two platforms; Oracle RAC and Microsoft SQL Server, which has meant that the business had additional expenses of licensing, supporting, operating, and maintaining two systems. Additionally it was awkward for staff to alternate between the systems when working. As the Oracle platform of Powercos warranty cycle was approaching expiration, and the financial system was scheduled an important upgrade, it was clear to the company that it was time to reassess its options and whether it should consolidate to a single server platform or replace existing hardware. Powerco acknowledged that to consolidate the database platforms would create a more simple IT environment and would reduce the total cost of the database system significantly. The case for consolidation was simple why maintain two systems if you dont need to? explains Mr. Griffiths, Infrastructure Manager, Powerco. Powerco undertook preliminary study of the solutions and assessed the pros and c ons of Oracle versus SQL Server. This analysis pointed towards some significant advantages in choosing SQL Server over Oracle. These included reduced licensing and maintenance costs, ease of management and fewer requirements for a specialised skill set to manage and service the system. A feasibility study of migrating to SQL Server was then completed by consultants on Powercos behalf including a cost/benefit analysis, a risk assessment, analysis of the alternatives and the four factors discussed earlier in this report, this confirmed Powercos applications could be supported on SQL Server, with the remaining end of life applications being replaced with SQL Server compatible ones, the feasibility study showed that unlike other options Microsoft SQL Server, serving could be done in-house. Microsofts SQL Server was the cheapest option to license, maintain, and support, particularly because of the specialised nature of Oracle. The business would be more streamline and efficient with just the single platform. Increases security. Further Tangible and Non-tangible benefits. Due to the results of the feasibility study, Powerco changed from the two platforms to solely Microsoft SQL Server, the result of this consolidation has meant Powerco has been able to reduce costs significantly, also ensuring it was easier to maintain and manage in-house and eliminating the need for external consultants. The migration to SQL Server has cut the overall cost of ownership by $390,000 a year, also helping to streamline Powercos IT systems and have given a number of other Tangible and Non-tangible benefits. Conclusion In conclusion this report has explained what a feasibility study is and when it should be used, I have then reviewed the various stages which are recommended by the IT industry experts at the ITIL and have given an example of a successful feasibility study undertaken by Powerco. I believe to be objective this report should have explored examples of a unsuccessful feasibility study, however this was not possible due to my research not providing any suitable cases, but still the findings of this report are clear, it is advisable to do a feasibility analysis, as it is tried and tested and the vast majority of large and established companies use this method to check the viability of a proposed venture and are taking a substantial risk if a feasibility study is not carried out before embarking on new project.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Ethnographic Reflexivity Essay -- Pro Con Essays
The Advantages and Limits of Ethnographic Reflexivity Awareness of writing choices generates an appreciation of the reflexivity of ethnographic research. Reflexivity involves the recognition that an account of reality does not simply mirror reality but rather creates or constitutes as real in the first place whatever it describes. Thus ‘the notion of reflexivity recognizes that texts do not simply and transparently report an independent order of reality. Rather, the texts themselves are implicated in the work of reality-construction (Emerson et. al., 1995:213). According to Robert M. Emerson and colleagues, reflexivity is a method in which the ethnographer is aware that his/her writing choices are shaped to acknowledge the ethnographers presence in the culture being studied. Thus, while writing and analyzing fieldnotes, the ethnographer-as-author grows increasingly aware of his role and responsibility in telling the story of the people being he/[she] studied; for in writing he/[she] re-presents their everyday world[1]. By taking the ethnographers presence in consideration, the ethnography becomes more than a mere piece of text. In the process of writing his/her analyzes of a culture, the ethnographer is constantly reminded that his work is to understand a realm of reality. In the following I will discuss the approach Dorinne K. Kondo and Renato Rosaldo use in writing their reflective ethnography. Dorinne K. Kondo in Dissolution and Reconstitution of Self: Implications for Anthropological Epistemology suggested that to understand the culture one studies the ethnographer should account his/her presence. In other words, the ethnographer should write about his/her experiences because it establishes the â€Å"I was there†author... ... argues that even though our mission is to understand the culture we our studying one cannot make final assumptions about a culture. One has to reflex on the fact that a culture is always changing and that our preparation of our discipline is not often the method one uses in fieldwork. As I reflect back to my own ethnographic research I found that even though I am Mexican-American and part of the Latino culture on campus my own community often challenged my interpretations. My interpretations were often critiqued by the male Latino culture, they felt that the meaning was much deeper and that I could not fully grasp the meaning because of my gender. Thus, I agree being reflective on ones ethnography can one fully add more meaning and understanding of a culture. [1] Emerson et. al. Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995: 213.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Offer a Close Comparative Reading Essay
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in 1772, in Ottery St Mary in Devonshire. During the Romantic era at a time of revolution from 1770-1830. At this time Britain’s economy was experiencing the industrial revolution, consequently creating radical class divisions and an extremely large scale of dissatisfaction between the lower classes and the wealthy classes. In addition The Enlightenment era led the dramatic change in the way in which the Western World viewed Science, Politics, and Philosophy. Particularly English scientists John Locke and Issac Newton shone light upon mans former ignorance regarding physics, biology, nature and human beings. ‘Locke’s ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ (1690) was hugely influential, due to his philosophical thinking and his mechanical theories on nature. The profound ways of thinking in the 18th Century sculpted the world in which we live in today. The romantic literature of this age was a ‘product of the economic and social period in which they lived in. It is said that ‘the deconstructive reading of Romanticism emphasised its ironies, its self-consciousness and the complexities of the ways in which it brought together philosophy, literature and history. The majority of romantic poets, especially William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge were discontented in this age of science and reason due to the mechanical way of thinking,and the ’emphasis on orderliness, reason and improvement that it displayed. Coleridge and Wordsworth thought this limited the capacity of the mind. They believed that there was a ‘deeper reality inside the the material world and that our spiritual nature can be realized through the use of our imaginations. Anna Barbauld (1743-1825) was another extremely influential English poet of the 18th Century, born in Kibworth, Leicestershire. And along with likes of William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey they defined Romantic poetry. Barbauld was a famous female writer, and during this era of patriarchy this was quite uncommon, as women in this period were put in a gender role in society fitted into the role of the domestic world and not in the public world. She led a charmed life, and studied at Warrington Academy, and learned Greek and latin, ‘Barbauld was raised as and remained an advocate of the liberal implications of Enlightenment thought. Rationality, compassion, and democratic human rights were the mainstays of her political positions.  She was known for her contribution to romantic era, and during her lifetime was admired for her talent by the young Samuel T. Coleridge. Barbauld had a brief connection with Coleridge. ‘Anna Barbauld had a more complex relationship with the young romantic poets, not least because she lived well into the nineteenth century and she was increasingly treated as a remnant from another age.  Her poem, ‘To Mr Coleridge’ in 1797 is in regard to her meeting with him when he was 25 years of age, he had walked to Bristol to meet with her and to wished to show her a range of his poetry at the time. The poem reflects Barbauld’s initial impression of Coleridge, and her initial judgment of his character, ‘counseling him to pay more attention to his duty and activity, and to watch out for indolence.  It is clear that the poem, ‘To Mr Coleridge’ has a retrospective, and negative tone of voice as she shows her disregard for Coleridge’s humanistic view on the world and his frivolous writing style, as she begins the 43-lined poem in light of his work, and an obvious natural setting, ‘Midway the hill of science’. I think Barbauld purposely chose ‘midway’ to represent a place in his career. The poem uses an allegorical take on Coleridge’s visit as Barbauld describes the grove in line 3, †A Grove extends, in tangled mazes wrought,’ a grove is a reference to a small forest or garden, here Barbauld is using the grove figuratively as a symbol for Coleridge’s imagination. As ‘Romantic poets believe that the imagination is fundamental’. she is trying to suggest that inside this ‘grove’ makes the perception of the outside world warped, as she indicates that it is, ‘fill’d with strange enchantment:-dubious shapes’. She creates an array of natural imaginings along Coleridge’s journey, Barbaulds, ‘To Mr Coleridge’ has a dream-like quality. The imagery used in the first fourteen lines such as, ‘fill’d with strange enchantment’, ‘gloom and mystic visions’ and ‘filmy-net’ represent how Coleridge replaced the systematic way of thinking that the enlightenment brought about by John Locke and Issac Newton, by believing in something else which we cannot see or control. Coleridge believed that, ‘A poem is that species of composition, which is opposed to works of science In lines 10-13 Barbauld is critiquing how Coleridge views an object, ‘obvious to sight and touch’, Coleridge was always ‘concerned with the problem of how the poetic mind acts to modify or transform the materials of sense without violating the truth to nature.  An authoritative tone can be detected by Barbauld in the lines, ‘Filt thro’ dim glades, and lure the eager foot | Of youthful ardour to eternal chase’. She highlights his age with the word ‘youthful'(line 6), suggesting that he inexperienced is still yet to learn many things about the world and be realistic in his views. Line 19 uses the word ‘Indolence’ which was a key word in the time of the enlightenment, meaning, lazy and idle. Like ‘most young people of the time with a grain of idealism he was stirred by the revolutionary enthusiasms of the early 1790s'[12] She allows draws on Coleridge’s ‘vacant mind’ (line 22) Coleridge believed that the mind was ‘the source and the test of art'[13]. The reoccurring theme of ‘youth’ also gives the poem a patronizing element. ‘Barbauld was a literary judge from the older generation, and, through their politics coincided for a period, her rectitude was probably not very comforting to Coleridge'[14] making the generation gap between the two apparent in the poem. The extended metaphor of the hill of science can be seen as a metaphorical journey, ‘Here each mind | Of finer mould, acute and delicate | In its high progress to eternal truth’, the speaker in the poem is narrating the events of a journey through the english countryside, but yet some of the things mentioned aren’t present, here we can see that Barbauld alluding to the work of Coleridge, yet sympathetically suggesting that he has a long way to go before reaching his full potential. Barbauld believes that Coleridge is losing sight of social and political context. Lines 32-34, ‘ Youth belov’d | Of Science – of the Muse belov’d not here, | Not in the maze of metaphoric lore. ‘ Barbauld implies that Coleridge does not have a hold on reality. The ‘spleen-fed fog'(line 40) that is being referred to is a metaphor for Coleridge’s lost sight along his path, and she appeals to his Unitarian nature by ending the poem with ‘Now Heaven conduct thee with a Parent’s love’ (Line 43). ‘This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison[15] by Samuel Taylor Coleridge was also written in 1797 and is a representation of a journey, similarly to Barbauld’s, ‘To Mr Coleridge’. Coleridge wrote the poem after he was unable to join his friends on a walk throughout the countryside, due to an injury, his wife had accidentally scalded his foot with boiling milk, resulting in Coleridge left under the Lime-Tree contemplating all the sights that his friends would encounter. In Coleridge’s poem he uses the speakers train of thought as the narrative for the poem as he breaks his own physical restriction and mentally takes the journey. The poem uses a conversational tone, beginning the poem with, ‘Well. ‘ In addition, due to it being blank verse this allows Coleridge to not have to keep a consistent rhyme scheme or a meter for the poem, and the conversational element adds intimacy for the reader as he describes initially what his friends will encounter on their walk, ‘the poet both observes and meditates out loud as he addresses a silent listener. ‘[16]. Many of Coleridge’s conversational poems were simple and had no poetic form. In the first stanza of the poem there is resentment and isolation represented in Coleridge’s petulant mood as the speaker says, ‘I have lost | Beauties and feelings’ (line 2-3), addressing himself as the ‘I’ in the poem we have a sense of a self-centered Coleridge, he is sat beneath a lime-tree as he pity’s himself over his injury that keeps him from going for a walk with friends. The use of monosyllabic words in the first stanza backs up Coleridge’s attitude to his ‘prison’ at the start. His attitude soon begins to change once he begins to write down his sequence of thoughts, ‘That all at once (a most fantastic sight!) and he then switches from self-pitying to imagining, he connects to his surroundings and enjoys being able to experience nature through his friends journey. It is almost as if Coleridge has an epiphany as he has a moment of realization through his imagination. At the beginning of stanza two there is a significant transition in Coleridge’s perception, starting with ‘Now’ (line 21) we can see that the speaker has thoughts have changed direction and has become a point of reversal, as he starts to re-create the journey through Charles Lamb, who he addresses in the poem, a close friend of Coleridge, and describes him as ‘gentle’. It is clear that Coleridge is happy that Charles is able to embrace in his walk in the countryside, ‘thou hast pined | And hunger’d after Nature, many a year,| in the great City pent’ (lines 29-31). ‘Interest in natural surroundings increased at the time'[17] this was mainly due to the industrial revolution at the time as the City was linked to the mechanical, man-made and urban downsides in contrast to the countryside made naturally by God. In comparison to Anna Barbauld’s, ‘To Mr Coleridge’ throughout both poems both poets continue to capitalize certain words to highlight their significance. And continue to use enjambment as a device to display urgency through lines that run on. In ‘This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison’ he is breaking his physical barrier in the journey, whereas in Barbauld’s poem it is a case of . ‘Coleridge believed that poetic language depended for its effect on the poet’s heightening or intensifying it (through patterning, compression, repetition and so on) and thus making it more specialized and taking it further away from the patterns of everyday speech. A common characteristic that sets the majority of female romantic poets apart from the males is the way many male poets refer to themselves as ‘I’ throughout the text, which Coleridge displays in ‘This Lime-Tree My Bower Prison. ‘ Coleridge also addresses his close friend Charles Lamb in the poem, he repeats the sentiment, ‘My gentle-hearted Charles! ‘ in the second and third stanza a few times, the speaker is putting emphasis on his particular name strategically. Coleridge also makes religious connotations about nature and the divine. He points out that they are, ‘Beneath the wide wide heaven’ (Line 22); and ‘the Almighty spirit, when he makes | Spirits perceive his presence. ‘ (Line 43) In the last few lines of the second stanza leads to the sudden change in mood in stanza three. Coleridge believes that by accessing the ‘imagination is sharing in the creative powers of God. ‘[19] The divine power is manifested by God. Coleridge was Unitarian, a religion that believed in freedom of belief. In the book of genesis in the Bible,’ God said, let there be light, and there was light. ‘ This relates to the metaphor of the imagination as a lamp, an active power that ‘shines onto the external world, changes the way in which we see the world as the light transforms. ‘[20] This is can be reflected through Coleridge’s poem as he is able to project his vision to the readers but it is not what he can seeon the surface. Which is in contrast to John Locke’s which ‘establishes idea of the mind as a mirror, reflecting what it see’s. [21] One of the main differences of these two poems is that Coleridge uses his imagination to create the journey whereas the journey in Barbauld’s poem is that journey was an action that took place. And through nature Coleridge discovers that he has the power to connect to nature rather than separate from it. In Coleridge’s Doctrine of Imagination, Biographia Literaria was on of his most significant work from the romantic era, written much later in his career, however he described the imagination in a way that ‘dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to recreate’.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Between China And China - 1196 Words
For years, China renminbi has been set each morning, then allowed the currency to get trade in the stock market, but then China economy got in a risk. Two crisis turn into the biggest drop in the renminbi since 1994. One was the burn in Tianjin. The other was the stumble of the stock exchange of Shanghai. Residents had experiencing the explosion at a chemical-producer storage that caused the death and hospitalization of over 600 employees. This tragic incident was the consequence of the corruption of the authorities. The containers were contaminating with exceeding 27 times the safety level of sodium-cyanide. Why nobody was responsible enough to prevent this problem? Inspectors have knowledge of this, but they didn’t do anything at the respect, they only acted as they weren’t allowed of the situation. In my opinion, the competition for jobs in China is in a high demand, the problem of many people is the lack of education, for that reason, they will take any low pay rate, and will work in any condition. Constantly, thousands of people emigrate from small towns to big cities looking for a better job opportunity that could give them enough to support their families. As Zhou Ping mentioned for The New York Times â€Å"Competition is too intense; there are so many people fighting for each job†(Bradsher, 2015) After the explosion, thousands of residents were worry in whether they will be able to go back home. The air was contaminated with chemicals that weren’t safe for theirShow MoreRelatedThe Between China And China842 Words  | 4 PagesThere are 15 interviewees who come from north of China, and 5 people are female and 10 people are male. All of them come from male-dominated industries in China, 5 people are from engineering construction industry, 4 people come from electric power systems, 2 people come from motor industry, 2 people are from installation of equipment industry and 1 people from logistics industry. There are 7 people who are under 30 years old and 4 people over 30 years old and 4 people over 40 years old. ThereforeRead MoreThe Between China And China736 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction From January 23rd, 2010 till now, there are over 30 similar suicides happen in Mainland, China. Even in the January, 2010, there were 13 labours jumped from the residence to kill themselves. All the victims were the workers that worked for the technology company called FIH Mobile Limited which was known as Foxconn International Holdings Limited before they died. It brought the whole society to concern about what was happened in the Taiwan technology company. Then it was found out thatRead MoreThe Dispute Between China And China Essay1481 Words  | 6 Pagesdispute over a body of water: The South China Sea (SCS). China and many other countries have been in a disagreement over who governs over the body of water. The South China Sea is located at the heart of many different countries such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines to name a few. This paper will stem from the prominent disagreement over the sovereignty of the SCS between the Philippines and China and how it has a ffected the relationship between these countries as well as other partsRead MoreThe Relations Between China And China1162 Words  | 5 PagesIn the 1990s during Bill Clintons presidency there was heavy tension between the state of China and their disputed territory of Taiwan (Russell 1). The dispute came about because China felt the island should be a part of China and not separate. However, Taiwan was looking for independence (Russell 4). It an attempt to get people on the side of Taiwanese independence their president, Lee Teng-hui fought to get a visa and eventually came to the United States for a gathering at Cornell University, whereRead MoreRelations Between China And China1605 Words  | 7 Pagestoday is with regards to the claim over South China Sea (SCS) between several ASEAN members and China. From the outset, there are vast improvements on relations between China and their ASEAN counterpart mainly due to flourishing economic ties. However, within this prosperous rel ationship tensions have increased on issues particularly on claimants toward the South China Sea mainly due to territorial and island dispute in the South China Sea area between China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, IndonesiaRead MoreChina Between The Republic Of China1661 Words  | 7 PagesAfter The Chinese Civil War ended in 1950, a separation of ‘‘old’’ China between the Republic of China (ROC, commonly known as â€Å"Taiwan†) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC, commonly known as â€Å"China†) created legal and political dilemmas (Hsieh, 2016). They both declare the island of Taiwan is an integral part of their territories. Until the 1990s, Taiwan was able to conquer her diplomatic isolation by expanding the international trade and investment flows to all of her business partners regardlessRead MoreAgeing Between China And China1319 Words  | 6 PagesAgeing in China Today, both the amount of order people and the life span increase throughout the world. According to World Health Organization, in 2010, an estimated number of 524 million people were aged 65 or older, constituting 8% of the world’s population; by 2050, this number is expected to increase by 1.5 billion. The degree of ageing in China is more serious than in many other countries. China is facing a key challenge of developing widespread accessible and equitable health systems to satisfyRead MoreThe Between China And China980 Words  | 4 Pagesfairness and impartiality in the justice system, which along with its capitalist economy, further differentiated itself from China. This concept of â€Å"one country, two systems†is an important element of Hong Kong governance, and by extension, its people. This represents a time when Hong Kong is slowly pulling its influence away from China. Due to its insulation from China that ran a communist government, Hong Kong was able to flourish as an international financial center under a free market economyRead MoreThe Between China And China Sea1180 Words  | 5 Pagescomes to the relationships in the South China Sea. The point of rebalancing has come up when speaking about the confrontation in the South China Sea. The idea is that the United States wants to restore the original agreement by UNCLOS in order to give its allies a fair piece of the South China Sea and its resources. China views this not as rebalancing, but as suppression. China has stated that the United States just wanted to subdue China in the South China Sea and stop it development so it cannotRead MoreRelations Between China And China1367 Words  | 6 PagesBefore establishing formal diplomatic relations with China, Singapore was already enjoying close economic and political ties with China albeit on an informal basis. Both countries elevated their rela tionship to a more formal level by establishing diplomatic relations on October 3 1990. Since then, the economic and trade cooperation between the two nations has expanded steadily and China has become Singapore s largest trading partner in 2014 with the bilateral trade amounting to S$121.47 billion
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