Monday, September 30, 2019
Wal-Mart Entry Into India and Its Effect on Indian Retail Environment
{draw:rect} Introduction: Wal- Mart is the world’s largest corporation and it is one among the biggest private employer of America. Wal- Mart retail store was established in the year 1962 by Sam Walton Wal-Mart also has doing international operation in United Kingdom, Mexico, Canada and many countries throughout the world. In 1970, a Wal-Mart has listed in New York stock exchange. The first Sam club membership warehouse opened in 1983. Wal-Mart has different types super stores, super markets, and Wal-Mart discount stores. In the year, 2009 the sale of Wal-Mart employs is $401 billion. The Wal-Mart is world first retail store in the world. www. walmartstores. com) Effects of the Wal-Mart Entry: Negative effect on the Indian small scale industry Since many of the small scale department stores in India are the major contributors to the Indian economy, the entry of Wal- Mart into Indian market creates a lot of negative effect on the Indian small scale industry. This may lead to lo ose the business to many of the middle and small scale people. Local traders: Local traders from the major of the cities were opposed the entry of retail giant Wal-Mart especially in Delhi because it will affect the local traders or business man and also for small retail shop. They have the issue of domestic traders will be totally neglected. Low price products Wal- Mart in order to capture the Indian market is trying to introduce low price strategy on their products which inturn affect the other local businesses. Local traders later also should implement this pricing strategy which may affect their profit margin. But in return the consumers may benefit a lot from this. Creates excess competition Due to the entry of Wal –Mart into the Indian market the competition may increase between local retailing businesses like Pantaloon, Reliance etc. e can see a tough competition between these business units in future . Supplier’s benefit: Conclusion: From the analysis there is advantages and disadvantages for Wal-Mart to enter in the Indian retailing system. From the arrival of the Wal-Mart to India FDI will be increased in India and most of the retail stores will have the subsidiaries in many of the places to increase the availability of the customer s. Most of the foreign retail outlets is already survive our country. So Wal-Mart can also survive in India if it sets a good strategy for shine and also should be beneficial for the customers and suppliers in the country. Bibliography
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Human Resource Planning Assignment Essay
Define and explain the significance of the term ‘derived demand’ as it applies to Strategic Human Resources Planning. (5 marks) A demand for a commodity, service, etc. which is a consequence of the demand for something else. In respect to Strategic Human Resource Planning, derived demand applies specifically to labor. The demand for labor is derived from the demand for the goods and services that labor is used to produce. The demand for labor is also influenced by the level of economic activity and the relative cost of labor compared to capital. An organization will try to plan for vacancies and market fluctuations but derived demand can be difficult to plan for if you have a product or service that has very little discernible difference from your competitors. For example when the Canadian dollar is lower Canadian transport companies are much busier, delivering more exports to the US market which become cheaper for them to purchase. 2. Explain ‘derived demand’ as it applies specifically to Stonewall Industries. (5 marks) Stonewall Industries produces a commodity item (there is very little discernible difference between their product and their competitors). The demand for that item is directly affected by interest rates and housing starts. As interest rates fall more people can afford to borrow money to build and therefore new building is more appealing. As interest rates rise less people are able to afford borrowing to build and therefore the number of new housing starts fall. The HR department at Stonewall Industries can monitor these factors so that they can act proactively as opposed to reactively. They can monitor interest rates (by checking Bank of Canada updates) 3. The Senior Executive Team at Stonewall has to consider a number of environmental factors that impact on its Human Resources Planning activities. Describe these environmental factors and explain their impact. (10 marks) There are many environmental factors that have an impact on the HR Planning activities at Stonewall. Firstly, there is a significant discrepancy in wages amongst the plants. It would likely be difficult to align wages at all of the plants due to differing unions and union climates in each province but the difference in wages could cause poor morale in a plant that discovers they are making significantly less than another plant that produces the same product. (Also, aligning wages to the highest current level may not be possible. Another environmental factor that would impact Stonewall’s HR planning is the state of the current Vancouver plant. It is the oldest and smallest plant and there is no room to expand on the current property. (This property is also very desirable real estate next to the ocean but closing the plant and terminating the employees would come at a high cost. A cost that would need to be calculated to see if the short term costs would produce a medium term benefit. Offering these very experienced employees promotions to other plants may be possibilities as they have a lot of knowledge that would leave with them and would help reduce the layoff or termination costs that are going to be high with this group of employees.) The state of the labour unions in British Columbia and Quebec are factors that will affect Stonewall’s HR Planning. Stonewall will have to ensure they walk the tight line between ensuring they are fiscally responsible while maintaining a good relationship with these unions. This is not only important for future relations but because of the importance that is placed on public relations and ultimately the image of the company in the public’s eyes. This may pose an even greater challenge in Quebec where the labour unions are opposed to English owned companies. Although this is one of the plants with the lowest Total Compensation Rate it may be one of the biggest challenges as far as labour relations. As recently mentioned previously, image and public relations are very important to Stonewall (and in a commodity market in general). In any industry layoffs are view critically buy the public. The company is viewed to be insensitive and public relations tend to take a hit. In mentioning layoffs, another environmental factor that will impact planning is that of an internal nature. Internal employees that are questioning the future of the company are likely to seek other employment. As mentioned by Belcourt et al., the high performers are the ones that are likely to find new employment and if the company was only looking to downsize they will be left with the average or underperformers. 4.Identify and explain the various techniques for forecasting labour supply and labour demand. What can organizations do in the short run when they recognize a gap in which supply far exceeds demand. What could Stonewall do in this situation? (20 marks) Time-series models †¢Data simply is projected forward based on an established formula †¢Predicts what will happen based on what has happed historically †¢Uses chronologically arranged data to arrive at forecasting †¢Can account for seasonal differences in demand Cause and Effect Models †¢Assumes that an activity (ie implementation of a new piece of machinery) determines an outcome (higher productivity). Judgement Models †¢No historical data to pull from †¢Example for Stonewall would have been forecasting demand for their vinyl siding branch before its implementation. When an organization recognizes a gap in which supply far exceed demand an organization can seek out contract or freelance employees or contact retired employees in the short term. Until a longer term solution can be realized. An organization can also do some planning for short term gaps by cross training employees. When these short term gaps are identified the labour force can be shifted and adjusted to compensate. This would not necessarily work for Stonewall as their employee’s skills are very specific to certain areas. I would think a possibility for Stonewall is to take employees from their smaller, less efficient plant in British Columbia and use them to fill in gaps at some of the other plants. The British Columbia plant cannot take on any more capacity and other plants can. This may be a short term plan to fill a gap or it may become a longer term solution if they can discuss more permanent moves with the BC employees as a result of the condition of the building and the need for workers at the other plants. This would reduce the costs of termination the BC employees (as well as smoothing over some potential public relations issues).
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Selfawareness and career management feedbaack Essay
Selfawareness and career management feedbaack - Essay Example Personal Career Strategy The personal career strategy will discuss about my personality type and the career that will match my personality. There are various tools and techniques to understand personality characteristics of a person. In this paper, ten tools and techniques have been explained to understand what type of personality characteristics match a person’s career. 1.1 Four Overlapping Career Competency There are five competencies for career development. It includes accountability and ownership, which means that at the individual viewpoint, it needs initiative and presumes personal accountability for objectives, results and deadlines. The individuals need to develop specific work goals in order to attain business results. Another competency is analytical thinking that means the ability to consider critically as well as systematically information related to the job. ‘Challenges the status quo’ is another competency which refers that growth and development of an individual along with organisation is based on the capability of the employees to modify their conventional thinking. The competency collaboration or integration denotes that for developing opportunities across the whole organisation, the individuals are required to think and work collaboratively. Communication or persuasion refers that for success of an individual, strong communication along with skill are essential (Nash, 1998). I have experienced this gradual development of career opportunities throughout the five years during which I had been working in the HR department for an organization. My experience taught me the lesson that realizing the personal career competencies is more important than anything else for an individual. In the development process of career opportunities, we should focus comprehensively on the identification of our competencies. 1.2 Holland Hexagon John Holland’s hexagonal model describes the relationship between the personality types of a perso n related to the environment. There are six key personality types which include realistic, social, artistic, investigative, enterprising and conventional. People who select their work environment in relation to their personality are likely to be more successful than others (Career Key, 2011). Realistic refers to the people who possess high-quality of physical skill but they may face trouble while communicating with others. They provide preference over things rather than dealing with people or ideas. Investigative people are task oriented and provide interest to take responsibilities that provide them with opportunities in their work. Artistic people prefer to work in artistic environment and are extremely structured. Social personality types prefer to contact with others and want to solve problem through discussion. Such people are good leaders and are cheerful and take responsibilities that provide them opportunity to relate to others. Enterprising people are energetic, self-confid ent, dominant, challenging and prefer to work in expensive setting. Conventional personality typ
Friday, September 27, 2019
The humanistic Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The humanistic Tradition - Essay Example For example, early marriages were a normal phenomenon whereby, young teenage girls were married off to older mature men especially amidst the upper class families where marriage was a tool of reinforcing allegiances and expanding the family’s wealth (US History). In addition, only women from rich families had access to any form of education. However, it is important to note that gender differences predetermined the type of education one received; for example, scientific academic disciplines were only offered to males. In spite of these dire circumstances, some women remained determined to educate themselves. One such woman was Lavina Fontana (1552-1614) who rose to become a professional and highly sought after painter for the very rich. Her expertise transcended over her husband who was also a fellow painter. It was highly unusual at the time for a woman to be both married, a mother and working (Castiglione). Luretia Marrinella was to set a new standard for women as she neither saw herself as devious nor frivolous but as serious with the ability to think. She defied the negative perception that women were slow and soft, a presumption held even by humanists such as Alberti who the society considered to be ahead of the zeitgeist (spirit of the times) for they lobbied for equality. Marrinella, a poet wrote great quality pieces as she mourned her dead husband. This set her apart from other women in the society (Castiglione). The achievements of most modern influential women would seem unreal for women living in the predominantly controlled masculine culture in the past. Modern new day feminists like Gloria Steinem have taken fighting for women’s rights to a higher level through advocacy, politics, media, leadership, and of course the age-old art of writing in journals and newspaper columns (Marcello 5). Alice Walker popular for her novel â€Å"The Color Purple†is an activist and author
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Discussing the benefits and costs of such a metallic monetary system Essay
Discussing the benefits and costs of such a metallic monetary system for an aspiring new country - Essay Example In as much as metallic money has its advantages, it also has its dark sides. For metallic money to be effective in any country, it requires a large amount of gold and silver (Poor, 121). Since gold and silver are highly valued metals, there are used in place of monetary value. This can, however, be an expensive the metallic monetary system, for a young nation. The initial cost of producing metallic money is also expensive because of the machinery and equipment used, and the high labor cost required. This can be a burden to the country’s resources. Due to the expensive nature of gold and silver used in production of metallic money, their circulation in the economy can be limited. A new nation cannot afford to purchase a large number of these metals. It is hard to make metallic money distinctive enough so that large denomination of money can be produced (Poor, 127). There are few metals used to make money and so a limited color choice. Metallic money is, therefore, not desirable to make large denomination of money. . Metallic money is a durable type of money system. To a new country, this is advantageous because the nation will spend once on their manufacture. The metals are highly resistant to wear and tear as compared to paper money (Poor, 120). This is because most of the metals used to make money are combined with other metals to make alloys which make them last longer. In the long run, the metallic monetary system can be cheaper to produce and are cheaper to count as compared to paper money. Metal money is valuable. The main metals used for making metal money are gold and silver, which are expensive metals. The value of the currency of a nation will still be controlled by gold and silver, which hardly lose value in the world. Therefore, if a new nation decides to use metallic monetary system, its currency will be stable for a long time. Metallic money is made from gold and silver, which are very expensive. This will make the
Geothermal Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Geothermal Energy - Essay Example Unlike the conventional method of burning fuels to produce the heat required, optimizing earth's energy from deep within the ground is by nature sustainable and would not take additional chemical process to be transformed to a useful form. Moreover, geothermal energy is never likely to contribute to greenhouse effect as fossil fuels are and once put up, the power plant would be self-sustaining or not necessitating external energies aside from the power it yields. Roughly 33,000 feet beneath the earth's surface lies heat that contains about fifty thousand times more energy compared to the combined presence of natural gas and oil currently processed by men. This inevitably fluid heat experiences high temperatures in various zones where layers upon layers of molten rock commonly known as 'magma' are continuously formed as a consequence of naturally occurring radioactive elements that undergo intense decomposition on a subatomic level for several years. Because magma is less dense than t he rocks surrounding it, it rises to the surface. Sometimes magma escapes through cracks in the Earth's crust, erupting out of volcanoes as part of lava. But most of the time magma stays beneath the surface, heating surrounding rocks and the water that has become trapped within those rocks. Sometimes that water escapes through cracks in the Earth to form pools of hot water (hot springs) or bursts of hot water and steam (geysers). The rest of the heated water remains in pools under the Earth's surface, called geothermal reservoirs. By the Earth’s crust shifting and allowing water to mix into natural hot-spots water is superheated and then vented through holes in the Earth’s surface with tremendous power. The superheated water generated at these locations can naturally reach temperatures of up to 200Â °C (430Â °F). Earth's core is nearly 6000Â °C - hot enough to melt a rock. Even a few kilometers down, the temperature can be over 250 Â °C given that the Earth's crust is thin. Temperature generally rises a degree Celsius for every 30 - 50 meters you go down, but this alters with respect to location. Among the hotspots from which geothermal energy may be obtained are certain states of America as Oregon, California, Alaska, and Nevada which possesses a significant number of volcanoes comprising the Pacific Rim or the Pacific 'Ring of Fire'. Hotspots are typically close to fault lines or young volcanoes were the Earth’s crust is thin enough to allow internal heat to escape and be accessed by as little drilling is possible. It may be a surprising fact to discover that besides these seismically active regions, any other location on earth ranging from a depth of 10 to a few hundred feet through the crust is capable of heating objects even at lower degrees. The capacity to generate electricity by extracting heat out of these places would of course depend on the quantity of drawn heat which can be converted to electrical energy. Landrello, in Ita ly is the first to own a geothermal power station, followed by Wairekei in New Zealand and a few others were built in Iceland, Japan, Indonesia,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
HIV-1 Detection by Western Blot Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
HIV-1 Detection by Western Blot - Lab Report Example The antibody when exposed to the enzyme with the substrate will lead to the production of a band that is colored (Luttmann, Bratke, Kupper and Myrtek, 2006). The test is done several times in the positive and the negative control serum to bring the clear identification of the viral protein. In the carrying out the test, there is the consideration of the nine HIV specific bands. When the bands are exposed to the serum of the individual the reaction that occurs in the bands and the patterns is what results to the diagnosis of the individual with the HIV virus. In the experiment to determine the availability of the virus, the polyacrylamide gel is extracted from the tray and the nylon that is used in the experiment is place directly onto the gel. After the nylon membrane is placed on the gel, bands of protein are transferred to the surface of the nylon membrane which makes them to be absorbed by the nylon membrane through the hydrophobic bonds (Wikipedia, 2013). The transfer between the bonds is achieved in chambers that are specially designed through capillary flow or by application of vacuum. DNA and RNA microarrays have been used in the determination of the infection with HIV since they are the key ways in the understanding of the expression of the genes and the method also allow for the rapid quantification of many of the genes once in the given cell that is focused. The microarrays have focused on the determination of the effect of the HIV on the single viral proteins in the individual in the line of lymphoid cells. The microarrays are used in the determination of the HIV due to the instance that the expression of the genes in an individual are always altered during the time of infection with the HIV (Luttmann, Bratke, Kupper and Myrtek, 2006). Infection in the individual is confirmed when the microarrays multiplex leading to the detection and also differentiate the sources that has brought the infection in the individual. In the carrying out of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Edinburgh Rock Whisky Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Edinburgh Rock Whisky Business - Essay Example When Alan Graham was in South Africa, he happened to meet a friend of his who had managed to create a fortune for himself in the whisky industry. Graham’s friend had managed to do this by introducing a whisky by the name Mountain Range Whisky. The whisky was in a bottle that was shaped as the Table Mountain, the mountain that shadows Cape Town. Graham’s friend had steadily managed to derive profit from the sale of his whisky. Therefore, from this idea Graham thought of finding a bottling company that would he would purchase bottles that were shaped like the Edinburgh Rock and hence call it Edinburgh Rock Whisky.Market research is doing anything that gives one a better understanding of the market that one is venturing into. Market research is normally done before the production of a commodity and has often been proven a valuable thing to do. It is because a customer research guides one’s business decisions since gives one understanding of his/her competitors, mark eting, consumers and products. Since it helps one make better decision, it will certainly come in very handing in creating a successful and exceptional marketing strategy.Marketing helps one reduce the chances of getting the prices, products and promotions wrong. A suitable example is that of Alan Graham. If he had carried out a good market research, he would have known that there were chances that some institutions in Scotland would reject his product. In addition, he would have known that there was need to make a few adjustments to the ignition business plan.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Film Analyzing Instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Film Analyzing Instructions - Essay Example The paper "Film Analyzing Instructions" shows film analyzing instructions. According to Jaikisham, a proper film critic must know how to elucidate why a film work or doesn’t work by looking beyond the noticeable rudiments added to sell a film to the spectators. In allowing viewers to experience the story on various levels you’ve got to analyze the specific details. Seize your note book, skull to the theater, and get ready to enter the world of film critic. Study some of these professional tips on how to analyze a film and determine the fine nuances which a lot of people miss out. This is because a glass maybe half empty or half full. Therefore it is all a substance of perception. Luckily or unluckily an excellent moviemaker does not habitually share the perspective of the audience. Hence, it is vital that one value is the importance of another’s view point. Additionally, if you are watching any film with your family or friends, it is essential that you take note of the things which an untailored film typically does and this forms origin for all your opinions about a film in the end. There is copiousness of things about a film which can be dissected to get the preeminent picture on what a film is all about. Cinema can be interpreted in many different ways and each of them is correct. The following tips are essentially important in analyzing movies. This is very important as this shows how relevant a film is for the recent time. Is it just for entertainment or is it momentous cinema?
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Interaction Between Europeans and Native Americans Essay Example for Free
The Interaction Between Europeans and Native Americans Essay The colonization of America by Europeans resulted in the demand for a sea route to India, which was the source of silk and spices, products that had a high commercial value in the Old Continent. While sailing westward, Europeans intersected with the first habitants of New World, the Native Americans. Between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, Native Americans saw their populations devastated by the loss of their land and animals, from diseases and war. The first Native American group encountered by Christopher Columbus was enslaved. Europeans also brought with them diseases to which Native Americans had no immunity. The fusion of Native Americans and Europeans during the years of settlement was also marked by the differences between their concepts of religion, gender relation, land possession, and freedom. Religion and beliefs of Native Americans were based on nature. They organized religious ceremonies around hunting and farming. Spiritual power was an important concept among this group of people. For Indians, everything was merely connected by a spiritual power such as the wind, water, animals and trees. In addition, they used to elaborate religious ceremonies which helped to define the leaders of the tribe. Native Americans definitely had an extremely strong spiritual belief. Contrasting to Indians, Europeans were skeptics about this intense spiritual religion. Although settlers admired the strong beliefs of Indians upon nature, they concluded that Indians had to be converted to the true religion, the Christian. Moreover, settlers used to follow a hierarchy system with God above everyone.. For settlers, religion meant to leave the life of sin to embrace the teaching of Christ. In most of the Indian communities, the gender connections were also not similar to the Europeans. The family decided how the women’s lives would be by creating a premarital sexual relation with their husbands. Divorce was also acceptable. Nevertheless, the children always became a member of the mother’s family. Moreover, Indians men could have only one wife and they could never marry their close relatives. In contrast, under the European rules of marriage, there wasn’t a pre decided marriage like in Native American’s life. The power was mostly centered in the hands of the men who were also the property controllers. Women were not considered independent. Indians had a respectful vision of land. Families were allowed to use the land, which didn’t mean that this family would actually own the land. They were aware that land is essential to economic benefit. On the other hand, for Europeans land was not just a place to extract natural resources, but also recompense, perhaps a symbol of the ambition of the voyage overseas. The land was divided according to the hierarchy structure Freedom seemed to be naturally a part of Indian life. Native Americans weren’t interested in living their lives under a government of rules; everyone was treated the same way. They had their own concept of freedom. Perhaps Native Americans concepts of freedom were based on the right of hunting, farming and making ceremonies. Unlike Indians, settlers lived under some rules established by a government. However, Europeans’ based their freedom according to the hierarchy system, liberty came from knowing one’s social place and accomplishing the duties appropriate to one’s rank. Their concepts of freedom meant an enjoyment of different rights and privileges available to a minority. Freedom meant formal, specific privileges such as exemption from taxation, self-government, the right to trade, royal decree or purchase. In conclusion, the intersection between Native Americans and Europeans during the years of settlement was a unique moment in the history of human being remarkable by the unawareness of cultures between two groups of people from distinguished continents. Settlers left their continent in order to enhance their power by exploring new lands. Their destination wasn’t exactly where they were looking for. However, they found a New World habituated by wild people that had uncommon customs. A revolutionary moment in human’s history was getting started.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Emerging Trends In Recruitment Commerce Essay
Emerging Trends In Recruitment Commerce Essay Internet evolution is affecting our working and personal life in various aspects and no one can say the contrary. One of the areas that the internet has recently and strongly been involved in is Recruitment Selection, as a medium between job seekers and companies since global competition persists and industries becoming more skill intensive, the recruitment of talent workers becomes essential (Yoon, 2009 adapted from Tong and Sivanand, 2005), and attracting the right applicants at the right time is getting tougher than ever. The use of conventional recruitment methods no longer suffices and timely to attract sufficient pool of qualified applicants. Many organizations have turned to adopting sophisticated recruitment strategies or combining various recruitment methods to attract them such as the E-Recruitment. Since recruitment has become the most challenging human resources (HR) function across all industries today, the need of the hour is to shift from traditional reactive recruiting toward more proactive recruiting, by clearly understanding the various factors of the recruitment market (Parmesh, date). In early-1990s, with the advancement of internet technology, many have witnessed the transformation of the conventional recruitment methods to online recruitment. Some corporate companies even use their web sites to recruit people while others capitalized this change to become e-recruitment service providers. This latter third-party e-recruitment business thrived to become the second most popular online business besides booking airline tickets, in United States and Europe. This business trends was later caught up in South-east Asia and Asia Pacific (Yoon adapted from Labanyi, 2002; Galanaki, 2002; Fisher, 2001; Gomolski, 2000; Joyce, 2002; Dixon, 2000). (Adapted from Weiss and Barbeite (2001) focused on reactions to Internet-based job sites. They discovered that the Internet was evidently favoured as a source of finding jobs. An examination of the literature on the various aspect of e-recruitment will allow us some insight and better understanding. When doing literature research many studies focused mainly on the applicant side or only on corporate side; in this study we will investigate both aspect in order to have a broad understanding of e-recruitment development. Emerging trends in Recruitment Recruitment is now about customer relationship management. Applicants needs has changed and preferred an individual relationship with the employer. We talk about war for talent, and now the most advanced guerrilla fighters using the latest weapons. It is a zero sum game between your company and everyone else competing for similar talent. Up to 25% of existing e-Recruitment traders will be purchased or go out of business in the next 3 years (Gartner Q4 Report 2004 accessed on Many companies are moving away of conventional recruitment methods. The new methods followed by companies are outsourcing, poaching/raiding and e-recruitment. Outsourcing Outsourcing is a process of transferring a business function to an external service provider. In recruitment out sourcing, a company completely transfers the selection process or part of it to a third party. The outsourcing enterprises assist the organisation by the preliminary screening of the applicants according to the requests of the organization and creating an appropriate pool of talent for the ultimate selection by the organization. Outsourcing firms extend their human resource group by employing people for them. These human resource pools will be made accessible to various companies as per their requirements. Poaching/Raiding Raiding or poaching is a method of recruitment in which competing firms attract employees from rival firms. In simple terms poaching may be described as buying talent rather than developing. Hefty pay packages, other terms and conditions may attract employees to join new Organizations. Poaching is a big challenge for human resource managers. Poaching weakens the Organizations competitive strength because of employees migration. E-Recruitment E-Recruitment is the latest trend in recruitment. It is also known as online recruitment. Internet is the back bone for E-Recruitment. Companies advertise job vacancies on different websites. Exclusive job websites like,, etc help both job seekers and companies to contact each other. A 247 access to the database of the resumes to the employers is provided by these job sites which facilitate organizations to hire people more rapidly. Every Company website usually provides career hyper link. This link helps job seekers to upload resume in the website. Using the uploaded resumes Companies can build their own resume database, which can be used for existing and future requirements. Online recruitment helps the organizations to automate the process of recruitment, which allow saving on time and costs. Traditional way v/s E-way In recent years, the traditional approach to recruitment has been revolutionized by the concept of online recruitment. Although Internet recruiting will not replace traditional recruiting in the near future, it is quickly becoming an essential aid for todays recruiters. Online recruitment varies from conventional recruitment in many ways this has been stressed by some authors. In this area, some researchers have compared between internet recruitment tools and traditional recruitment tools. A survey which was carried out by Galanaki (2002) , found out that internet agencies provide the company with fewer but substantially better applicants than traditional recruitment agencies. On the same side, a research conducted by Verhoeven and Williams (2008) reports on a study into internet recruitment and selection in the United Kingdom and the survey showed dwindling recruitment spends focused on web-based recruitment at the expense of traditional methods. The author also reported that online methods proved far more popular, as majority firms use their own companys website was used as a recruitment tool for most jobs. Kapse et al (2012), a study conducted by Connerley, Carlson, Mecham (2003) on the evidence of differences in applicant pool quality addressed the research need by examining the attraction outcome of firms competing head-to-head for recruits for similar positions. Results of an analysis suggest that applicant quality can vary substantially within and across job families Chapman and Webster (2003) in their survey research on the use of technologies in recruiting, screening, and selection processes for job candidates conducted in USA found that most organizations implemented technology based recruitment and selection tools to improve efficiency, enable new assessment tools, reduce costs, standardize systems and expand the applicant pool. From the applicant opinion, (Maysara (2010) adapted from Rooy and Fairchild (2003) and Rozelle and Landis (2002)) contrasted between job searching by internet tools and traditional tools in terms of the number of jobs that were found and candidate perception of success in the job searching process. The jobs that were found by traditional recruitment tools were less in the number than the ones found by internet tools only. The results of this study encouraged the authors to argue that jobseekers that use this technological advance in their job search are in a good competitive position compared to their peers who do not use it. Diverging from the four previous studies results, Maysara (2010) adapted from Zusman and Landis (2002) found that job applicants reported high preference for the jobs posted in the traditional recruitment sources e.g. paper than the ones posted on the website. The result was not expected for the authors. In addition, and consistent with applicant attraction studies, they found that applicants prefer the high quality recruitment websites than the low quality websites. While comparing the traditional recruitment and the internet recruitment people sometimes finds that they are both almost alike in what they have to offer, however, as we can notice in Table 1, the process is different between the two. E-Recruitment Defining E-Recruitment E-recruitment is a means of using information technology (IT) to perform, speed up or improves this process. EHRM system and its subsystems, such as e-recruitment, produce a higher level of service delivery and a better strategic contribution. E-recruitment emerges as a handy and advantageous method over traditional methods of recruitment (Poorangi et al adapted from Tong and Sivanand, 2005), as it brings all benefits of an e-business into the human resource field and improves the efficiencies of the recruitment process. There are diverse meanings of electronic recruitment coined by well-known researchers. Commonly E-Recruitment is defined as: According to Wolfswinkel e-Recruiting is the online attraction and identification of potential employees using corporate or commercial recruiting websites, electronic advertisements on other websites, or an arbitrar combination of these channels including optional methods such as remote interviews and assessments, smart online search agents or interactive communication tools between recruiter and applicant. E-Recruitment also known as online recruitment, Internet recruiting or cyber-recruiting refers to the practice of advertising job vacancies online, also is the process of integration of the recruitment and internet technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness in hiring the new employers from all over the world (Galanki, 2002) E-recruitment Hiring Process The Hiring Process means carrying out a full series of functions in addition to simple recruitment. It means making a choice and deciding if the company feels that any of the candidates meet the requirements of the specific job and, if so, hiring that person. The next step is closing the deal and having the new employee join the company and fit in within the existing company culture. This means that once the companys hiring policies have been clearly defined, there is a process, which we call the Hiring Process that may be broken down into the theses stages as you can see in the following figure. Figure 1.3 illustrates the staffing processes involved in recruitment of staff and e-recruitment can be brought about in any or all of these main processes. Figure 1.2 E-Recruitment Hiring Process Source: Damhija 2012 Global E-recruitment market E-recruitment has been an issue of interest over the past ten years. Internet is considered as the latest tool in hiring. It is a real revolution spreading over the world of job hunting hiring. The term online recruitment, e-recruitment, cyber recruiting, or internet recruiting, imply the formal sourcing of job information online. The first references to e-recruitment appear in articles of the mid-1980s E-recruitment can be divided into two types of uses: corporate web site for recruitment and commercial jobs boards (such as for posting job advertisements .Corporate websites are a companys own website with a link for job posting/career options where candidates can log into for current openings. If the company advertises its vacant positions on other website that specialize in recruitment such as,,, etc., the companies would be adopting commercial job boards for recruitment. Development of E-Recruitment E-recruitment will expand but not replace the face to face selection stage smaller companies will be able to afford these technologies interactive, voice-based systems online portfolios including samples of your work testing tool. Methods of E-Recruitment Lievens Harris (2003) define E-recruitment as any method of persuading candidates to apply for a position that relies greatly on the Internet. We can say that Internet recruitment is not a method itself and therefore can be misunderstood sometimes since there are several of different approaches to Internet recruitment. Dhamija (2012) says that, in order to find active or passive candidates, e-recruitment has come up with valuable method for finding these potential candidates and moreover that there is high demand for e-recruitment tools and skilled workers as specified by The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in a report entitled Workplace Trends during 2007-2008. For the purpose of this study, the focus will be given on two common methods of online recruitment which are being used nowadays. Corporate Website As said by Pin et al (2001), although jobseekers or those who are looking to switch jobs may think that the most logical path is to simply log their resume on a job site, knowing it will be distributed to a large number of companies in various industries, this is not the only option. Tyagi. A (2012) describe the use of a corporate website of the organization for posting a job as a link for career options where the potential candidates can log in for the existing opportunities therefore on companys own website, HR department has a choice of posting the vacancies freely and indicate the career path expected after joining the organisation. But she also pointed out that the corporate website attracts only the interested candidates towards it and for attracting other candidates, other channels should be used. According to Lievens Harris (2003) (adapted from Maher Silverman, 2002), company web sites correspond to one of the primary Internet-based method to employing. Several of these web sites as well offer useful information about the organization, in addition of a system for applying for these jobs. In 2001 a research by iLogos demonstrates that of the Worldwide 500 companies, 88% had a company Internet recruitment site, revealing an important surge from 1998, when only 29% of these companies had such a web site. Approximately all North American Global 500 companies (93%) have a business Internet recruitment site. Most applicants would consider a medium to large size company without a recruitment web site to be somewhat odd; certainly, one report indicated that of 62,000 hires at nine large companies, 16% were initiated at the company Internet recruitment site. Commercial job portals or Job boards Many companies have experienced excellent results through Internet recruiting on their own Web site. However, other firms also utilize employment Web sites by simply typing in key job criteria, skills, and experience and indicating their geographic location. They next click Search for Candidates and in seconds have a ranked list of rà ©sumà ©s from candidates that match the firms requirements. Fees vary from one employment Web site to another, and the number of sites has expanded dramatically in recent years. ( accessed on 27 August 2012, Chapter 6 Internet recruiting). According to Pin et al (2001) online job boards are recruitment networks that provide a meeting point for jobseekers and enterprises; hence a job platform acts as a middlemen, enabling job offers to be filled by most suitable candidates by segmenting information and providing real-time updated job offers to candidates. These e-recruitment platforms are normally free for jobseekers and chargeable to companies seeking to recruit, sometimes an annual fee and sometimes a charge per listing. These boards are good for attracting active and passive job seekers, particularly for less recognised companies but they can also be used as a supplement to the corporate site. Commercial job boards most common form of online recruiting. Job boards work like classified ads in the newspaper. These are global and allow a larger reach into the candidate pool. The job boards greatest strength is the total numbers of candidates registering resumes; the estimation is that they contain five million unique resumes (Gutmacher, 2000). Additionally, they allow recruiters to administer 24 hours a day, check candidates from around the world, and are commonly quite low-cost (Boehle, 2000). A key advantage of the job board approach for a company is that lots of individuals send resumes and that most job boards provide a search system so that recruiters can hunt for applicants with the appropriate skills and experience. A second benefit is that an organization can give extensive information, as well as a link to the companys web site for supplementary information on both i.e. the career path as well as the organizations. The committed recruitment websites can take a struct ure of job listing websites, which can be look like printed classified advertisements, work wanted sites, which accentuate the prospective employees side and finally online recruiters who make use of other websites as a resource for finding clients and customers (Rudich, 2000; Taylor,2001). Lievens Harris (2003) Social Networking Figure 19 below shows the ages of social networkers for Facebook, MySpace, Flickr and LinkedIn. It is interesting to note that from about ages of 24 to over 60, LinkedIn has the highest percentage of users. However its peak is between the ages of 25 and 34, after which it drops off (WebMediaBrands Inc. 2010). Figure : Percentage of social Networking users across all ages (Web Media Brands Inc 2010) Although social networking sites have seen tremendous growth in the past few years, according to Michigan State Universitys Recruiting Trends 2010-2011, the use of social media for recruiting is still limited to only 28% of the 4,600 employers surveyed, predominantly among larger employers. Benefits and Costs of E-recruitment In most relevant literature there are some commonly identified benefits and downsides for the companies using online recruitment. The commonly cited advantages and drawbacks of online recruitment in the literature are as follows: Benefits of E-recruitment Reduced Costs According to Marr (2007) with the print advertising, the size of the advert and the publication itself impacts on the fee of the posting the advertisement whereas with internet advertising even with a small cost associated to it is relatively cheap compared to the potentially unlimited audience of this medium whereas Galanaki (2002) argue that the cost saving depends on the e-mailing approach adopted; Faster Processes As said by Galanaki (2002) adapted from Workforce 2000a, online recruitment shortened the recruiting cycle maximising HR time for strategic issues. Barber (2006) also emphasis on the fact that e-recruitment speed up the recruitment process, with instant posting of job online, processing the applications within minutes rather than weeks and response can be quick and direct. Wider range of applicants Barber (2006) stressed on the fact that this mean can be access 24 hours a day, 7 days per week; reaching a global applicant group in contrast to ad on national newspaper. Reputation and Brand With increased competitiveness in the market and the fear of remaining behind makes many human resource managers to hire through the net. Particularly associated with corporate website, internet recruitment is considered to attribute an image of innovation and flexibility and it also operate as a promoting tool. (Barber 2006; Galanaki 2002) Attract passive job seekers Internet recruitment can be used as an instrument to attract the most highly prized catch who are not necessarily looking for a job. Addressing specific labour market niches Internet is also perceived to be a technique to deal with particular labour market niches during the posting vacancies on websites for particular interest clusters, on electronic forums or discussions groups and this can boost the targeting potential of the medium ( Galanaki, 2002). But Marr (2007) argue that the drawback of this approach is that there is a possible issue for firms with regards to unfairness and equal opportunity employment. Costs of E-Recruitment Online recruitment offers tangible business benefits therefore as with all recruitment sources, there are not only exclusive benefits associated to the means but there are also a certain number of existing challenges faced by organisations, particularly in such a mechanised process,. An outline of the common disadvantages associated to e-recruitment will now be presented according to (Marr, 2007; Barber, 2006). High quantity of application When a high amount of applications is received, firms can be confronted to a number of real challenges. The negative outcomes of it can be the rising costs in administering recruitment and selection systems. An increase in the number of applications means that more time should be spent in screening the Cvs since filtering out unsuitable candidate is very resource intensive. Logistical problems With online recruitment the best-qualified candidates can live halfway around the world and in such a case, conducting screening interviews by telephone or email have to be considered which limits the expense of a personal meeting. If the process progress forward, it causes the problem of whether it has great significance of bringing the person in for an interview. The valuable time and possibly money will be wasted if it turns out the candidate wasnt serious about relocating. Technology issues When recruitment process requires filling out an application, to miss out qualified candidates who would rather send a resume can be possible. Some candidates may not feel confident enough with the security of applying online. Theres always the likelihood that the application system may function slowly or lose information during the submission process. Poor website In several circumstances, candidates who notice job posting will be relying on the website to get further information about the company and method of operation. If website is badly designed or outdated, the candidate may not even bother to reply. Theres also the risk that the site have inappropriate information concerning the candidates field. Too impersonal It can be perceived as quite impersonal since much of the online recruiting process might implicate emails and probably telephone interviews. When lacking multiple in-person interviews, it can be complicated to determine if candidates will align with the company culture. Candidates may also have a hard time estimating whether the company is the right place for them. Perception of Jobseeker The Internet and the Web have revolutionized the way people communicate. This revolution has not only had a radical change on ways of doing business, but also created new business models that did not exist in the past. The range of Internet applications grew fast due to emerging technologies and competitive business pressures. Since 1995, the Internet has witnessed a rapid development of innovative applications. Among these applications are online recruitment, which was adopted by many users worldwide due to the high potentials it brings to both job seekers and employers Azab (2005). Job seekers use third-party recruitment websites or electronic recruitment services to gather job information and post their resumes using Internet technology (Bartram, 2000; Scheyer McCarter, 1998). Third-party recruitment websites offering Internet-based recruitment services (hereafter job-search websites) provide media for connecting employers and job seekers. According to a study from the write pass journal (2011) which was carried out to discover the advantages of using online recruitment, and techniques in which it could be enhanced, at a leading UK technology firm; it seek to assess factors which influence jobseekers choice when submitting their application to a specific business by means of their corporate website. Moreover it argues that there are various factors affecting this choice such as: the accessibility of an open job opportunity, the corporate website lay out, web presence of the firm through adverts, blogs or web postings, relevant information available about organization and position on the companys website, the corporate branding of the organization, Previous knowledge of company and its operation, the availability of information on online job boards, participation in events such as career fairs, word of mouth from friends and employees, the easiness for application, online tests, feedback and recruitment process. In the Table below we can see what are the benefits and problems related to online recruitment from the perspective of Job seekers. Table 1: Common benefits and drawbacks of Internet recruitment for jobseekers Advantages Disadvantages Mauritius Case Study Mauritius has one of the highest standards of living in Africa. Strong emphasis is being placed on information and communication technology (ICT) as an important engine of economic growth in Mauritius. The National Broadband Policy 2012 2020 sets out a strategic vision for a broadband Intelligent Mauritius, branded as Towards i-Mauritius. Over one-fifth of Mauritians have are making use of broadband; the adoption is likely to maintain its growth, across diverse demographic clusters and age clusters. Internet access and usage Figures from the Statistics Mauritius further point out that in both 2010 and 2008 the use of computer and internet was highest among the young age groups and lowest among the higher age groups. Thus, in 2010, 85.2% of persons aged 12 to 19 were using a computer and 58.3% the internet, and 61.6% of persons aged 20 to 29 were using a computer and 50.7% the internet. Among those aged 50 to 59 years, 23.6% and 17.6% were using a computer and the internet respectively. According to AHRP magazine 2010 HR pros said that traditional networking and social networking are the most effective ways for professionals to find jobs, as indicated by a survey recently conducted by challenger, gray Christmas. Methods of recruitment in Mauritius In recent years, recruiting services have developed intensively in Mauritius. More and more mediators for employers and candidates are being formed. And currently, all recruitment agencies in Mauritius have online services which allow both employers and candidates to register themselves there. The addresses to be make use of for recruitment services are DCDM Recruitment rebranded as Talentaris which has its own online job portal named, Adecco which has merged with Service Bureau and Maujob recently and Appavoo Professional Recruitment, for the online service supported by an adviser as explained above, or, which operates only online. They have the benefit of being efficient and specialized. However in Mauritius, the most commonly used means of communicating information are the newspapers. Thus most employers exploit the press to advertise vacancies. And the response rate for checking the press to find job is quite high because the Mauritian population is very attached to the national press. Yet LExpress can also be accessed online at the website of the company. Furthermore there are some radio stations that frequently run announcement for employment. Private radio stations such as Radio One and Radio Plus often announce any job offer in the midst of any emission. Private radio stations have high ratings and with this method, the results are very successful and fast. Emerging techniques of upcoming job offer Publications of job either in audio or on posters can be done through advertising agencies. The multinational Accenture is often called to encourage applications. When designed by advertising agencies, they have the benefit of the position value and attract the attention of the reader. Their effectiveness is proven through the actual response rate achieved by employers. Ads may also be webcast on the most visited websites, for example, the homepage of Orange Mauritius, Facebook, etc. Rates vary depending on site and some may even be free, like Facebook. There is a mailing service very fashionable offered by RKcom, but highly not recommended as their service is considered as SPAM and their mail outs usually targeted inappropriate recipients and the mailing service is not free. Other successful techniques To find a qualified staff, it is possible to go through the administration of tertiary institutions or training centers. The most famous being University of Mauritius, Charles Telfair Institute, the Centre for Graduate Studies, or Mauritius IVTB Employees Federation. The Ministry of Labour, through the database of Labour Office which register the unemployed people it help the later to find a suitable position. Employers often communicate their vacant jobs through the database facility offered by Labour Office. At the request of the employer, Labour Office can send the list of candidates seeking employment, by level of education. And in addition, word of mouth is a fairly common in Mauritius. The island is not so big and everyone knows each other. Communications are easily and quickly concluded (Senek 2012). Study One Within the study one, emphasis will be given on two components of the organisational perspective that is, firms that use their corporate website to attract applicants and an online job board which operates in Mauritius. This will give an insight of what are the advantages and disadvantages of shifting to online recruitment. What are the changes alongside with this move in their practices and strategies? Study Two Study two will examine the e-recruitment from the perspective of jobseekers in Mauritius. To investigate the various aspects that drive those to use online recruitment and analysing the benefits and problems related to their use of internet in their job search. Additionally this study will seek to test the following hypothesis: There is a relationship between privacy problems and intention to use online recruitment Research Type For the study one since only a little information is available on e-recruitment practices in Mauritian firms, thus qualitative data on e-recruitment development is more useful and important than quantitative data. Qualitative research will help to be explorative and classify, categorize or define the phenomena of E-recruitment in Mauritius in an organisational perspective. Consequently the most suitable methods that will be used will be interviews. For the study Two given that we have sufficient information and knowledge which is available on the use of e-recruitment for job search from the perspective of jobseekers and that we will seek to prove hypothesis and support, questionnaires will be suitable for collecting quantitative data that can be used in confirmatory studies using statistical analysis. Data type Primary Data For the purpose of this research, data has been collected from first-hand-experience which is known as primary data and this will include interview and survey questionnaire. Those primary data has not been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and objective. Since my primary data has not been changed or altered by human beings, therefore its validity is greater than secondary data. Using primary data in research from participants representatives of key players in e-recruitment, can improves the validity of research. First hand information obtained from a sample that is representative of the target population will yield data that will be valid for the entire targe
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Comparing Dulce et Decorem Est with Charge of the Light Brigade Essay
Comparing Dulce et Decorem Est with Charge of the Light Brigade Although both 'Dulce et Decorum Est ´ and 'The Charge of the Light Brigade ´ are about battle and the death of soldiers, they portray the experience of war in different ways. The main difference between the poems is the message they express. They seem to be writing about completely different wars. Wilfred Owens poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est,’ was written from his point of view as a soldier in the war. It is much more personal and emotive than ‘Charge of the Light Brigade.’ Tennyson’s poem, on the other hand was written as one of his duties as the Poet Laureate at the time. It lacks the detail and also the personal experience that Owens’s poem has, and gives the impression that Tennyson does not actually care about the war very much and does not know much about it. ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ was written to memorialise a suicidal charge by light cavalry over open terrain by British forces in the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War. 247 men of the 637 in the charge were killed or wounded. Tennyson wrote 'Light Brigade ´ in a few minutes after reading the description in The Times of the Battle of Balaclava in 1854. His poem increased the morale of the British soldiers fighting in the Crimean War and of the people at home, but Tennyson had not been an eyewitness to the battle he describes. I think Tennyson’s motive for writing this poem was to glorify the act of war, I feel he wanted to celebrate the bravery of the six hundred British troops who went to battle knowing that they were going to die. I think this because from my own knowledge I know Lord Tennyson was the poet Laureate at the time of the Crimean war, but did not witness any fight... ...atin is used. This contrasts with the rest of the poem and makes it more dramatic. The reader lingers on the last phrase to work out what it means and it makes more of an impact on them in Latin than it would in English. The last line of ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ is also very dramatic. As I have already mentioned, it refers to the soldiers all the way through the poem as ‘the six hundred’ and then at the end refers to them as ‘the noble six hundred’ as if the war is over and the soldiers are victorious at the end of the poem. Overall I prefer ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ as it much more powerful to read. It is well structures and uses a lot of alliteration, assonance, such as ‘white eyes writhing’ and repetition all the way through. It makes the reader feel guilty, angry and understand the pain and suffering that the soldiers went through in a subtle way.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The First World War (WWI) Essay -- World War 1 I One
World War I Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Nothing was a bigger disaster than what happened in World War I. This was such a bad war because everyone in the world has allies, and the allies are in oath to help there ally when things get rough or that country is going to war. What I am here to inform you about is how one of the major countries and why one of the biggest powers in the world played a big part in World War I. This country is no other than France, a country who has a lot of say in Europe, and has many allies through out the world. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The war officially started when the assassination of Austria's Archduke Ferdinand on June 28 in Sarajevo. After this France came in on the side of the Russians and Serbians. As an ally of Russia they were forced to defend them, and after this other big powers got involved such as the Germans, Italians, Russians, Americans, and Japan. The true reason why France got involved was because Germany declared war on them. None of the states that went to war realized how long it would last or how terrible the cost might be. Most thought it would be over in a few short months and that peace would return in 1915. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â After this the war got real nasty and the countries stood for no mercy. The French discharged 180,000 kg of chlorine gas from 5,730 cylinders on the line between Steenstraat on the Yser Canal, through Bixschoote and Langemark, to Poelcappelle. This was the beginning of Chemical warfare. Â Â Â Â Â When the war starts the Germans are nearly wiping the French out of the war rapidly taking out there soldiers. But the French forces were successful in achieving their objective at the Battle of Mons and the Battle of the Marne. As each side tried to outthink the other, France began to try and take over the Swiss border apart of France. With this great positioning it would be hard for the Germans to attack them from different angles. Â Â Â Â Â The French thought the war would end quick, because of the great advantage the allies thought they had over Germany and their other countries on there side. As soon as the Americans got involved in the war many people thought it would end even faster. Between the two armies in a ten month span, Bri... ...ost many of their best troops. Â Â Â Â Â At this time the French were doing well considering the Germans were fighting them face to face on one front, and the Germans had a better trained military than the French. On July 1, 1916, the British and French launched an offensive wave, which put an end to any German thoughts of continuing the Verdun Offensive, was launched against some of the heaviest German armies on the entire Western Front. The British commander, The French had a new campaign which gave the first use of tanks, and was preceded by the war's greatest artillery barrage. Despite these advantages, the general slaughter of allied troops which occurred is famous, with the British suffering 65,000 casualties on the first day alone. Â Â Â Â Â When the October rains finally put an end to the prolonged carnage, 400,000 British, 200,000 French and 450,000 Germans had become casualties. The Allies only captured a few miles of ground, and the Germans soon withdrew to their new Line in early 1917. Then the great French commander Sir John wasted no time to continue with his offensive ideas and gave the Germans no time to retreat and rest.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Velociraptors: Fact and Fiction Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research P
Velociraptors: Fact and Fiction Eventually at some time or another, somebody has to imagine what a dinosaur looks like. Maybe it is a Paleontologist, maybe it is an Artist, maybe it is a Movie Maker. Basically, everyone is entitled to deciding in his or her mind what a dinosaur may look like. How do we form these ideas, though? And on what information are these ideas based on? The â€Å"picture†of the dinosaur – whether it’s in our mind, on paper or a motion picture film – helps us to understand how these animals behaved. Ideas about how dinosaurs looked have changed over the years as our research improves. There’s a sort of partnership between paleontology, painting and movies: they help to define each other. The paleontologist digs up the bones, the artist paints a painting, and the filmmaker brings it to â€Å"life.†Then everyone complains about how silly the movie dinosaurs look (or do they?) and little by little, things improve. Since movies are the venue through which most of society gains its ideas of what dinosaurs look like, it seems appropriate to address the topic of how dinosaurs are depicted on the big screen and whether or not those depictions are correct. Some of the most popular film portrayals of dinosaurs are the Jurassic Park movies. The dinosaurs shown seem to be actually living and partaking in all of the activities shown – everything from the opening of doors, running 50 miles per hour, the elaborate hunting tactics, to tapping their toes, everything is incredibly realistic. Or is it? According to a website known as Dino Buzz, which is an offshoot of a UC Berkeley site, many of the portrayals of the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park III were inaccurate; some ideas wer... ... what Velociraptors were like – for the most part. It allows the audience to form thoughts and ideas about how these animals might have moved, hunted, etc. Of course, as in all movies, the â€Å"facts†presented should not be taken as the absolute truth. Only science can determine whether or not a Velociraptor could move at 50 miles per hour, open doors, or tap its toe – not Steven Spielberg. Works Cited Dino Buzz: Current Topics Concerning Dinosaurs. UCMC Berkeley. (February, 2005). (Last accessed on February 6, 2005). What is a Raptor? Poling, Jeff. (1996). (Last accessed on February 6, 2005). Dromaeosaurid Anatomy. Holtz, Thom Jr. (1995). (Last accessed on February 6, 2005).
Political Philosophy and User Responses Essay
1. The belief that a person’s fate can be closely attributed to his or her own efforts is KNOWN AS ________ AND IS FUNDAMENTAL TO THE AMERICAN DREAM. a. populism b. equality c. individualism d. republicanism e. fatalism Grade: 1 User Responses: c. individualism Feedback: 2. Which of the following attributes is associated with capitalism, the economic system in America? a. Government should be involved in protecting the health of the financial industry over individual citizens’ rights. b. Government should allow the market economy to be free and unrestricted. c. Government should not obstruct individuals’ efforts to obtain property. d. Government should promote equality only to those who were born in the country. e. The national government should become more involved in state politics. Grade: 1 User Responses: c. Government should not obstruct individuals’ efforts to obtain property. Feedback: 3. ________ often predict the degree and type of political participation, which shapes political culture. a. Political values b. Demographic factors c. Community-oriented economics d. Individual incentives e. Group dynamics Grade: 0 User Responses: a. Political values Feedback: 4. Belief in which of the following ideals is part of the core of American political culture? a. Allegiance to parental homeland b. Strength in diversity c. Caste system d. Foreign diplomacy e. Government intervention Take the Chapter 02 Exam Section: Intro to US Government F 2014 flanery,daniel Submitted:9/3/2014 1:38:33 AM Gradebook Grade:  Questions Attempted: 25/25 Submission No: 1/1 2 Grade: 0 User Responses: c. Caste system Feedback: 5. Which of the following is advocated by socialism, which emphasizes planned economies over free market economies? a. Government ownership of key industries b. Private jobs over public programs c. Higher taxes for the poorest citizens d. Financial rewards for productivity e. Government investment in large corporations Grade: 1 User Responses: a. Government ownership of key industries Feedback: 6. Each individual’s political beliefs are rooted in ________ and ________. a. ideals; values b. core beliefs; experiential learning c. core beliefs; political attitudes d. partisan bias; values e. values; religion Grade: 0 User Responses: b. core beliefs; experiential learning Feedback: 7. Which of the following constitutes an element of the United States’ national political CULTURE? a. Belief that individualism hampers the overall strength of the country. b. The citizen class a man or a woman belongs to c. The notion that government is the basis for decisions that will affect all American citizens d. The idea that freedom is for those who earn it e. The rights and liberties citizens have Grade: 0 User Responses: a. Belief that individualism hampers the overall strength of the country Feedback: Take the Chapter 02 Exam Section: Intro to US Government F 2014 flanery,daniel Submitted:9/3/2014 1:38:33 AM Gradebook Grade:  Questions Attempted: 25/25 Submission No: 1/1 3 8. Communitarianism refers to a set of beliefs with a long history of impacting political culture in the United States. Communitarianism emphasizes the importance of ______ __. a. economic classes and communism b. agrarian practices c. limited government d. needs of the community over needs of the individual e. voting and democracy Grade: 0 User Responses: a. economic classes and communism Feedback: 9. In which way do Americans best express the essence of the American Dream? a. Their commitment to welfare programs b. Their universal support of limited government c. Their enthusiasm for capitalism d. By sending humanitarian aid overseas e. By regularly voting in elections Grade: 0 User Responses: d. By sending humanitarian aid overseas Feedback: 10. The term that refers to widely shared ideas about who should govern, toward what ends, and by what means is ________. a. subculture b. fundamentalism c. ideology d. political culture e. demography Grade: 1 User Responses: d. political culture Feedback: 11. What is the natural outcome of the United States’ history of immigration? a. A decline in diversity caused by the immigration rate b. Substantial racial and ethnic diversity in the American population c. The foreign-born form the majority of the U. S. population d. Domination by foreign countries e. Substantial racism and anti-immigrant feelings in the majority of the American population Take the Chapter 02 Exam Section: Intro to US Government F 2014 flanery,daniel Submitted:9/3/2014 1:38:33 AM Gradebook Grade:  Questions Attempted: 25/25 Submission No: 1/1 4 Grade: 1 User Responses: b. Substantial racial and ethnic diversity in the American population Feedback: 12. A belief in free markets, limited government, and self-reliance in economic affairs, combined with a belief in tradition, law, and morality in social affairs are values upheld by ________. a. socialists b. the modern Republican Party c.the Republican party historically d. modern libertarianism e. the Communist Party historically Grade: 0 User Responses: d. modern libertarianism Feedback: 13. A belief that individuals can provide stronger chances for economic and personal betterment for their children, if not for themselves, is part of the ________. a. American Dream b. Communist Manifesto c. American exceptionalism d. expectations of society e. American socialization Grade: 1 User Responses: a. American Dream Feedback: 14. Which of the following generally ensures that government follows the will of the people in a democratic system? a. Lobbying b. Elections c. Interest groups d. Initiatives e. Opinion polls Grade: 1 User Responses: b. Elections Feedback: Take the Chapter 02 Exam Section: Intro to US Government F 2014 flanery,daniel Submitted:9/3/2014 1:38:33 AM Gradebook Grade:  Questions Attempted: 25/25 Submission No: 1/1 5 15. One factor that has helped reduce political conflict over economic inequality in the United States is the strong belief in ________. a. equality of personal opportunity and individualism b. fate c. the promise of global competition for creating economic equality d. a strong work ethic creating equal rewards e. strong government intervention. Grade: 1 User Responses: a. equality of personal opportunity and individualism Feedback: 16. Most Americans would acknowledge that those with greater resources and connections to government officials are more likely to ________. a. participate in politics and be represented in government b. participate in a revolution c. become distrustful of the government d. be white-collar workers e. provide fewer opportunities to their kids than they had Grade: 1 User Responses: a. participate in politics and be represented in government Feedback: 17. While no single religion represents all Americans’ belief system, most of the FOUNDING POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES WAS________, WHICH HAS HAD LASTING EFFECTS ON THE LAWS AND POLITICAL CULTURE IN AMERICA. a. Jewish b. Muslim c. Catholic d. Protestant e. Pentecostal Grade: 0 User Responses: c. Catholic Feedback: 18. The fastest growing ethnic group in the United States is ________. a. Pacific Islanders b. Asian Americans c. African Americans d. Caucasians e. Hispanics Take the Chapter 02 Exam Section: Intro to US Government F 2014 flanery,daniel Submitted:9/3/2014 1:38:33 AM Gradebook Grade:  Questions Attempted: 25/25 Submission No: 1/1 6 Grade: 0 User Responses: b. Asian Americans Feedback: 19. Income ________ between the classes in the United States has risen steadily since the 1920s. a. caste system b. acquisition c. inflation d. inequality e. disbursement Grade: 1 User Responses: d. inequality Feedback: 20. Voters sharing any particular political belief have the greatest chance of shaping policy when they are ________. a. inspired b. registered c. canvassing d. dispersed e. concentrated Grade: 0 User Responses: b. registered Feedback: 21. Culture refers to ________. a. a series of expectations of a political system b. basic values about participating in a society c. a predisposition about participation in a group or a political system d. a way of thinking or a mode of behavior common to a group e. beliefs about a political system Grade: 0 User Responses: e. beliefs about a political system Feedback: Take the Chapter 02 Exam Section: Intro to US Government F 2014 flanery,daniel Submitted:9/3/2014 1:38:33 AM Gradebook Grade:  Questions Attempted: 25/25 Submission No: 1/1 7 22. The right to own private property is ________. a. more attainable for middle-income citizens in Europe b. not very important to most Americans c. guaranteed by the Constitution d. one of the economic incentives that motivates Americans to embrace capitalism e. only for those with wealth Grade: 0 User Responses: c. guaranteed by the Constitution Feedback: 23. Concerns about the level of_______ and its impact on regional politics and social cohesion from the 1920s to the 1950s resulted in many restrictions of ________ to the United States. a. immigration; entry b. education; immigration c. trade; economic growth d. terrorism; travel e. health regulations; entry Grade: 1 User Responses: a. immigration; entry Feedback: 24. A person who opposes government regulation of business is likely to be a ________. a. liberal b. communist c. socialist d. Green Party member e. conservative Grade: 1 User Responses: e. conservative Feedback: 25. The strength of the economy is directly tied to the monetary value of all goods and services produced in a nation each year, which is called the ________. a. mass production factor b. gross domestic product c. poverty line d. median household income e. Gini coefficients for the economy Take the Chapter 02 Exam Section: Intro to US Government F 2014 flanery,daniel Submitted:9/3/2014 1:38:33 AM Gradebook Grade:  Questions Attempted: 25/25 Submission No: 1/1.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Comparing Nuclear Energy To Other Energies Sources Environmental Sciences Essay
This study contains information on five different types of energy beginnings. It is a literature survey that compares two renewable ( solar and air current ) beginnings and two non-renewable ( coal and natural gas ) beginnings to atomic energy. The comparing is based on factors such as use, cost ( both capital costs and running costs ) , safety and stableness, storage of waste and the impact on the environment. The beginnings are separately compared to atomic energy. In the comparings merely the factors relevant to the two energy beginnings being compared at any given clip are considered factors are non repeated in the comparing. It besides looks at whether the media ‘s portraiture of the dangers of atomic energy is accurate or whether it overestimates the dangers involved in bring forthing atomic power. The purpose of the study was to find the viability of atomic energy as a beginning of power to back up electricity demands of the population in the hereafter. This is a literature survey turn toing the portraiture of atomic energy by the media and its viability as an energy beginning in comparing to other methods of bring forthing electricity. The study compares Nuclear energy to energy generated by coal, natural gases, air current and the Sun ( i.e. solar energy ) . The energy types are separately compared to Nuclear energy. Each subdivision high spots specific jobs and advantages associated with Nuclear energy as it relates to the energy to which it is being compared. Factors taken into consideration include the costs involved with the assorted types of energy, how much it is being used globally, impact on the environment, storage of waste, safety and stableness. The study was written to run into the demands laid down by JSQ216, a 2nd twelvemonth technology topic at the University of Pretoria. The study was completed by apportioning each of the four group members a specific energy to research and comparison to atomic energy. The research was so completed by utilizing journal articles, books, cyberspace sites and nearing two applied scientists about the job. The information was processed, the dependability of the beginnings assessed and a short part of the study was generated by each group member. All four parts were so put together for the concluding study. Figure 1: Break down of solar energy [ 2 ] The Sun has been around since the beginning of clip but merely late has it been used as a beginning of renewable energy. Approximately 120000 TW of solar energy is absorbed by the Earth ‘s surface which is equal to 10000 times the entire planetary demand for energy. Merely 0.1 % of this energy would be required to fulfill the universe ‘s present ingestion of fuels. [ 1 ] There are three chief ways to tackle the Sun energy. These include solar cells which convert sunshine straight into electricity. Solar H2O heating where heat from the Sun is used to heat H2O inside panels on roof tops. And in conclusion solar furnaces that make usage of mirrors to concentrate the suns energy into a little infinite to bring forth high temperatures. As illustrated by figure 1. There are close to 440 atomic power workss in the universe today which supply 16 % of the universe ‘s energy demand, nevertheless merely 1 % is functional energy with the remainder being atomic waste. If 1 % of the country where there is recoverable energy utilised solar energy devices all the universe ‘s energy demands could be met with solar energy entirely. If 10 % of the country were to be utilized so in two old ages the electricity produced would be equal to all known militias of fossil fuels. [ 1 ] Cost jobs with solar energy are the high capital costs involved in the installing of solar panels which can be really expensive. The demand to hive away energy because of solar handiness due to factors such as clip of twenty-four hours and conditions conditions is besides dearly-won. States at higher heights with day-to-day cloud screen will hold an economic disadvantage due to long distance transportation of energy. Care of panels besides has to be considered. Nuclear energy is soon cheaper than solar power nevertheless the building of the installations and the disposal of radioactive waste is dearly-won and can impact the environment. [ 3 ] Solar power is comparatively safe to utilize every bit long as you do non look straight into the Sun ‘s beams or come into contact with hot solar panels. In the instance of atomic power it is besides safe to utilize as the atomic reactors are equipped with excess systems to do certain there is no atomic meltdown. This makes it a really stable energy beginning. Nuclear energy starts to acquire more unsafe in the signifier of exhausted fuel rods and radioactive waste. Even though atomic energy is dependable and stable as a whole, when something does travel wrong it can go really serious and really unsafe. Solar energy does non hold any signifier of waste as replaced panels and constituents can be reused or recycled. Nuclear energy has two types of waste merchandises, the spent fuel rods which if non stored decently in pools of H2O to chill down could go really unstable. The other signifier is radioactive gasses and other waste merchandises that if released into the ambiance can present assorted hazards. Solar energy produces no waste or pollution. Waste from atomic power must be sealed and stored resistance for long periods of clip. This waste must be kept safe from external factors and from human contact in order to forestall a menace. Such a menace is presently under manner at the Fukushima Daiichi power works in Japan where a pool of exhausted fuel rods caught fire this twelvemonth. Solar power is a renewable power beginning therefore it is environmentally friendly. It is soundless and requires no fuel hence there is no pollution. It even decreases the sum of harmful green house gasses. Although there are many advantages to solar energy there is still the fact that a big sum of panels is required to bring forth the needful electricity. This becomes really dearly-won. It is dependable and has no hazards that are associated with atomic energy. Nuclear energy on the other manus is non a renewable beginning and if non handled in the right manner could impact the environment in a negative manner. Even though it does non lend to planetary heating like other fossil fuels, the waste gasses it does bring forth could potentially do radioactive illnesss and malignant neoplastic disease in worlds and other life signifiers. A sum-up of the advantages and disadvantages of solar and atomic energy can be found in the tabular arraies below Table 1: Advantages of Solar and Nuclear Energy Solar Energy Nuclear Energy Renewable energy beginning Does non breathe green house gasses Has no volatile waste Plenty of resources available Once panels are in topographic point the energy is free Cheaper than solar power Table 2: Disadvantages of Solar and Nuclear Energy Solar Energy Nuclear Energy Does non work at dark Radioactive waste Presently really expensive Long-run storage required for waste merchandises Requires large Fieldss in order to reap a suited sum of energy Some reactors produce Pu which can be used to do atomic arms All around the universe we require every energy beginning that we can acquire including atomic. All energy beginnings have both pros and cons. Even though atomic energy is portrayed as an unstable beginning of energy it is in fact one of the most dependable and stable types in the universe today. The downside is in its waste that if treated falsely could set down in the custodies of terrorists. In the following 20 old ages at that place will be emerging economic systems throughout the Earth that will necessitate low cost, environmentally friendly alternate energy beginnings and Nuclear power is expected to fulfill this demand.Wind EnergyWind power is the coevals of electricity through the usage of air current to whirl turbines, which in bend, convert the air current ‘s kinetic energy into electricity. [ 1 ] The procedure of utilizing air current as a power beginning has been in usage throughout history from around the twelfth century where windmills were used to mill grain. [ 2 ] Wind power coevals uses wind turbines to do electricity, air current Millss for mechanical power and air current pumps for pumping H2O. [ 2 ] It is a renewable energy beginning that non many states have attempted to develop. Wind Power Worldwide June 2010 [ 3 ] State Capacity ( MW ) USA 36.3 China 33.8 Germany 26.4 Spain 19.5 India 12.1 Rest of the World 46.9 Entire 175.00Table 3: Wind Power Worldwide June 2010 In June 2010, The World Wind Energy Association ( WWEA ) published that 5 states entirely accounted for about 73 % of the universe ‘s entire air current energy production viz. USA, China, Germany, Spain and India. [ 3 ] Figure 2: World Electricity Production 2008 On the other manus, atomic energy production seems to be far more popular in a batch of states with some states such as the USA and France holding no less than 104 and 59 atomic reactors in operation severally [ 4 ] in early 2010. A survey done in 2008 to happen the per centum of each type of energy that is globally produced showed that air current signifiers portion of merely 2.8 % whereas atomic energy histories for 13.4 % of the universe ‘s entire power. The chief disadvantage of air current power is the undependability of the air current itself. In most countries the air current ‘s strength is excessively low to whirl a turbine. However, if wind energy were to be used in unison with solar and/or geothermic energy it could be developed into a stable and dependable beginning of power. The air current turbines themselves are rather safe with merely a few reported instances worldwide of damaged blades caused by bad conditions, none of which has resulted in any known hurts. [ 5 ] Nuclear reactor workss make usage of radioactive stuffs to bring forth electricity. The thought that these stuffs could go unstable and acquire out of control is one of the chief concerns ( along with radiation toxic condition ) for states bring forthing atomic energy. The Chernobyl atomic catastrophe of 1986 lead to better, more efficient protocols being put into pattern go forthing most states to believe that they are now better prepared to manage any destabilizing of the atomic stuffs. [ 6 ] However, weave energy remains theoretically a batch safer than atomic workss even with all the safety safeguards they take. The effects are much higher for a atomic catastrophe than for a air current turbine failure. Wind turbines do non breathe any waste merchandises as they do non fire any kind of fossil fuels or radioactive stuffs, so there is no concern over where to hive away or dispose of emanations safely- unlike atomic energy. The radioactive stuffs ( like Uranium and Plutonium ) that are used up in atomic power workss continue to bring forth unsafe radiation for 1000s of old ages after they have been used up as a fuel for atomic energy. The most effectual manner to hive away these depleted stuffs has non yet been found but for now they are being kept in belowground storage pools where they will non be harmful to anybody. [ 7 ] The initial apparatus of both air current turbines and atomic power workss are rather dearly-won. But one time built, wind turbines are cheaper to keep than the power workss, but they are both comparatively cheaper to keep than their fossil fuel opposite numbers with the atomic stuffs enduring a really long clip and with air current being a free resource to be used. Environmental Impact: Both air current and atomic energy as it is being produced, is friendly to the environing environment ( except in the tragic instance where radiation is leaked from the power works ) . However, wind turbines do do more noise than the power workss which is riotous to any locals remaining near the turbines. [ 8 ] The sum of infinite that a air current turbine takes is less than that of an mean atomic power works and the break to the environment during building is worse for the power workss because they take so much longer to be built. [ 8 ]Coal EnergyCoal, the most abundant and low-cost of the fossil fuels ( 1 ) , is a non-renewable energy beginning. It has been used as a beginning of energy for 1000s of old ages and has legion of import utilizations such as in electricity coevals, steel and cement industry, and industrial procedure warming. Coal frequently proves to be the lone alternate when low-cost, cleaner energy beginnings are unable to run into the turning energy demand faced with today ( 1 ) . Fossil fuels are formed from the organic remains of prehistoric workss and animate beings that have undergone alterations due to heat and force per unit area over 1000000s of old ages. The procedure is still taking topographic point today but the rate of energy storage is little. The one-year biomass production stored this manner represents merely about 0.001 % of the current universe energy usage ( 2 ) . Even though wood coal can be made unnaturally, it is non possible to bring forth it at the rate of ingestion ( 3 ) . Therefore, coal is regarded as a non-renewable energy beginning and is bound to acquire depleted. Harmonizing to BP ‘s ( British Petroleum ) Statistical Review of World Energy 2010, there is a estimated 826001 million dozenss of proved coal militias worldwide, or 119 old ages reserves-to-production ratio ( length of clip that the staying coal militias would last if production were to go on at the old twelvemonth ‘s rate ) ( 4 ) . However, compared to other fossil fuels, coal militias are the largest 1s and are more equally distributed worldwide. Nuclear energy is besides a non-renewable beginning as it is reliant upon a finite beginning of fuel that can be exhausted. Although, the universe ‘s known uranium resources increased by 15 % in two old ages to 2007 owing to increased mineral geographic expedition The U ( and sometimes Pu ) used in atomic power is a natural resource and is a common metal found in stones all over the universe. The World Nuclear Association suggested that there is about ( 13 ) 160 old ages of supply at today ‘s rate of ingestion. Coal is chiefly used as a solid fuel to bring forth electricity and heat. The coal is normally pulverized and so combusted in a furnace with a boiler for the coevals of electricity. The steam which consequences from the burning is so used to whirl turbines, which drives the generators therefore making electricity. When coal is heated at about 1000 grades Celsius in an airless environment, Coke is produced. The Coke is so used is used to smelt Fe ore for the production of steel. A byproduct of this warming is Coal gas, which is a composing of methane and H, is produced. Coal gas was used for residential lighting and cookery in the 1940s ; but it was really dearly-won and so it was stopped. However, in recent times, these gasification procedures are being developed to be more cost effectual and so coal gas is frequently used as fuel for engines. Nuclear power workss create electricity through a procedure called fission in which subatomic atoms called neutrons split uranium atoms, bring forthing enormous sums of energy. The consequence of the fission of these big atoms is the creative activity of smaller atoms and radiation. The energy produced is so absorbed by H2O which heats it and so stream is produced. The steam is so used to whirl turbines as in the instance with coal power workss. Harmonizing to the Key World Energy Statistics 2010 ( 5 ) , 27 % of the worldwide energy demand was fulfilled by coal in 2009.Coal was the 2nd largest beginning of energy followed by Oil providing 33.2 % . China is a major manufacturer with coal with coal ever playing a dominant function in its primary energy ingestion. China consumed a high 46,9 % of the coal supplied and produced the most coal ( 45,6 % ) harmonizing to the BP Statistical World Energy Review 2010. World primary energy demand is expected to go on to turn steadily, as it has over the last two decennaries Harmonizing to the International Energy Outlook 2010 ( an appraisal by the Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) of the mentality for international energy markets through 2035 ) , universe ingestion of coal additions by 56 % over the following two decennaries ( 6 ) . Nuclear energy supplies the universe 5.8 % of the universe ‘s ingestion which is less than a one-fourth of what coal supplies. This is expected as there are merely 442 operable atomic power Stationss world-wide, the first one being created about 50 old ages ago which is comparatively recent. The extraction of coal involves two types of excavation: surface ( strip ) excavation and resistance excavation. Surface excavation involves the remotion of coal sedimentations near to Earth ‘s surface whereas underground excavation is taking sedimentations found 100s of metres below the Earth ‘s surface. Underground mining histories to about 60 % of the universe ‘s coal production ( 7 ) and requires the creative activity of shafts and tunnels that are dug in to the coal beds. There have been legion tragic happenings in the history of coal excavation as it is a really hazardous concern and lay waste toing accidents occur in all states that produce commercial measures of this mineral. Most mining accidents occur as a consequence of cave-ins, methane detonations, mine wall failures, vehicle hits or the implosion therapy of the mine shafts. Besides asphyxiation, gas toxic condition, respiratory complaints ( chiefly Black Lung Disease ) were common. Over 100,000 mineworkers have dies over the past century in coal-mining accidents in the U.S ( 2nd largest manufacturers of coal ) merely ( 8 ) . However, most of these hazards have been reduced in contemporary mines owing to modern engineering and wellness and safety Acts of the Apostless puting stricter criterions. Nevertheless, in lesser developed states and some underdeveloped states, continue to see important Numberss of excavation human deaths each twelvemonth. The copiousness of coal makes it easy accessible and the usage of cheaper manners of transit makes this resource an cheap signifier of energy when compared to energies such as solar, air current or hydro. It is besides somewhat cheaper than the costs involved in bring forthing atomic energy. When comparing the economic sciences in bring forthing energy from these two beginnings, it is of import to see several different types costs associated with both coal and atomic energy. This includes costs associated with the fuel used in the production of energy which tend to be lower in a atomic works even though more intricate stairss are involved in the production of the fuel assemblies used in the reactors. Transportation system costs are, nevertheless, high for coal because a significantly big sum of coal is needed to bring forth the same energy as with the atomic fuel. The capital costs are the costs associated with the initial building of the works and the alterations forms an of import portion when comparing the costs. For a atomic works, these costs are normally higher than for any other energy signifiers as the edifices used for containment or the safety-related equipment demand to run into higher criterions than those met by traditional coal workss. On the other manus, coal workss are required to include scrubbers to take airborne pollutants as a consequence of the combustion of the coal. Another consideration is the operation and care costs involved. These are the costs involved in the daily operation of the coal and atomic workss. This includes labor costs, stuff costs, authorities fees and belongings revenue enhancements. It is found that the costs are really similar in both the workss. The costs associated with the byproduct waste should besides be taken into history. For a coal workss, this is the coal ash and for a atomic works, these costs include a charge levied by the authorities for ultimate storage of the high degree waste. This charge is a level fee based on energy usage. The waste costs for atomic energy is well higher than the costs for coal workss. Therefore, the costs involved in bring forthing coal and atomic energy are approximately the same ( 9 ) . The combustion of coal is known to lend to planetary heating, and is linked to environmental and wellness issues such as acerb rain, smog and asthma owing to the particulate emanations that are emitted from power Stationss. Harmonizing to the World Health Organisation, it is estimated that air pollution kills more than 2 million people yearly ( 10 ) . Coal is the largest subscriber to the human-made addition of CO2, a nursery gas which causes planetary heating and clime alteration in the air ( 11 ) . Strip excavation causes big countries of land to be temporarily disturbed and this causes dirt eroding and impacts on local biodiversity as after the land has been scraped and quarried for coal, it is normally abandoned. The waste after coal has been combusted is frequently disposed of in landfills or â€Å" surface impoundings, †which are lined with compacted clay dirt and a fictile sheet. As rain filters through the toxic ash cavities over old ages, the toxic metals are leached out into the local environment. Coal sludge is the liquid coal waste generated by rinsing coal and is known to incorporate toxins, and so leaks or spills can foul belowground and surface Waterss. ( 12 )Natural Gas EnergyThe Natural Gas used in power production is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas made chiefly of methane and other hydrocarbons ( including C2H6, propane, butanes and pentanes ) . It besides contains C dioxide, He, H sulfide and N, in smaller measures. Natural gas is a molecular compound with Van Der Waal attractive force between its molecules [ 1 ] . It has a boiling point of -161oC and is stable at a broad assortment of temperatures and force per unit areas [ 1 ] . Natural gas is transported in its liquid signifier as it taken up 600 times less infinite as a liquid than it does as a gas and weighs 55 % less than the same volume of H2O. It is a consequence of the decomposition of workss and animate beings and is found in pockets beneath the Earth and ocean. Natural gas is an of import beginning of power in the modern universe. Harmonizing to Makogen ( 2010:49 ) if we were to utilize 17 to 20 % of the universe ‘s natural gas resources, we would be able to supply the universe with energy for 200 old ages. Although it presently merely accounts for 20 % of the universe ‘s energy, the demand is expected to increase well over the following 20 old ages. It is a cleaner fuel beginning than any other dodo fuel [ 2 ] breathing about no sulfur dioxide and far less C dioxide and NHx than either oil or coal. Natural gases can besides be used in concurrence with other power coevals methods, such as biomass [ 3 ] , to bring forth energy which will alter the sum of pollutants emitted. Nuclear Stationss do non bring forth the same pollutants as fossil fuels do but blow direction remains the primary concern in atomic engineering. The waste merchandises of a atomic station are isotopes with highly long half-lives. The storage of these waste merchandises means making a safe storage infinite that needs to last longer than all the human civilizations combined. There are three different degrees of atomic waste, high degree, medium degree and low degree. Low degree waste is non really unsafe and disposing of it is non a job. The danger comes in with high degree radioactive waste. The waste is encased in concrete membranophones and buried up to a kilometer and a half into the land [ 5 ] . However, high degree radioactive waste can non be stored near any other high degree radioactive waste as it will interact with the other waste. It is besides of import to happen stable land in which to hive away the waste, as concrete can check and interrupt in the event of an temblor or shudder. South Africa is one of the safer places to hive away atomic waste as it has a geologically stable countryside. Some countries, like the northern Karoo, have experienced about 30 000 old ages of stableness. In between the remotion of the waste from usage and the concluding storage of the waste it needs to be left to soak in H2O for a period of clip, to acquire rid of some of the residuary radiation. In this clip the fuel rods need to be safely guarded as the waste merchandises are used in the creative activity of dirty bombs and atomic bombs. A soiled bomb is a normal bomb incorporating high degree radioactive waste and is detonated above a metropolis, leting the radioactive atoms to pollute the H2O supply in add-on to other harm. [ 5 ] Plutonium, one of the waste merchandises of a atomic power station, is a primary constituent in atom bombs and the rods frequently have to be processed to take all Pu before they can be disposed. The usage to which the waste merchandises can be used besides means that steps need to be taken in guaranting that any state with a atomic power station does non utilize the waste in a atomic arms plan. It besides leaves a state more vulnerable to atomic onslaught as should a dirty or atom bomb land near a atomic station the merchandises of the two would respond with each other, compounding harm. The waste from a atomic station can be greatly reduced by the right direction of the station but it still remains a serious menace. Cold merger could theoretically bring forth energy without radioactive waste but experiments with cold merger have produced really small energy, non even plenty to power a light bulb. Cold merger is besides regarded as a cozenage by many scientists and has the same ill fame as â€Å" ageless gesture †and â€Å" free energy †in many scientific circles [ 9 ] . The degree of efficiency of natural gas as a power beginning is, nevertheless, really much dependant on the engineering used to bring forth the power. In a comparing of different engineerings [ 4 ] it was found that Natural Gas combined rhythm engineering was the most efficient of the Natural Gas engineerings. The engineerings were compared based on efficiency, capital costs, care costs, the service life and electricity costs ( calculated based on the cost of the fuel, the care costs, capital cost and service life ) . The capital costs of the combined rhythm engineering were merely over a‚ ¬500 with an expected care cost of less than a‚ ¬0.005 per kg Watt hr and a service life of 20 old ages ( i.e. the clip the works operates before equipment demands to be replaced. ) A atomic station has to replace its one tierce of its fuel rods yearly [ 5 ] Relatively, a atomic station ‘s capital costs are higher than any other fuel beginning [ 6 ] but they produce electricity at a really low cost which offsets the initial high cost. This can be seen in figure 2, below, which shows a comparing of the cost to bring forth energy for assorted engineerings. The cost of power from a atomic works besides tends to stay stable [ 7 ] even if the cost of uranium varies as up top 75 % of the fuel cost in a atomic works is to cover the start-up cost. On the other manus, natural gas monetary values are really dependent on the supply and so monetary values tend to change. Natural gas is besides capable to carbon revenue enhancements in some states because of its emanations, which reduces its cost efficiency. Figure 3: Cost of Energy Generation for Different Technologies Location besides plays a really of import function in finding whether or non natural gas or atomic energy is the most efficient solution of a state. A state that is abundant in fossil fuels and does non pay C revenue enhancements would happen that natural gas was a far more suited engineering. However, when it becomes necessary to import natural gases, the supply security of the works becomes compromised and it Nuclear may be a more financially feasible option. Both Nuclear and Natural Gas beginnings have the advantages of being able to provide on demand. Most renewable energy resources are offered on an as-available footing [ 8 ] . This means that you do non necessitate to run a coal station alongside a atomic station in instance it does non bring forth adequate energy to run into demand.DecisionMedia is wrong in portraiture, excessively utmost but still non safe Waste disposal is unsafe, careful consideration as to storage installations Safety, security Vulnerability to atomic onslaught
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